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As the doors of the theater opened, everyone left to do their own things around the MMC. Most conversed with one another and some went to the bathroom. Salem had approached Bill to ask more on the Jaune Arc from The Umbrella Academy universe and Blake had asked more on the Marvel universe, hearing this Bill led them to a small room at the back of the MMC.

"Welcome to the Universal Library!" Bill announced as they entered the room to reveal a large room with what seemed to be a never-ending amount of shelves and books with thousands of desks in front.

"Wow!" Blake uttered in amazement with wide eyes.

"Never in my life have I seen something this incredible." Salem said as she was in complete awe of the room.

"Yeah, I know," Bill said as he shrugged "But before you do anything, you'll have to know a few things first."

Salem and Blake gave him their full attention, ready to listen.

"The Universal Library is huge and I mean gigantic, meaning that it's easy to get lost in here so make sure to take a library card from Book Bill over there." Bill said as he pointed to another Bill Cipher at a large desk.

A Bill with a snazzy suit and glasses waved "Hiya!"

"And how many universes have we seen so far?" Bill asked.

Blake added them up but Salem had already beat her to it.

"25." Salem stated as she briefly glanced at Blake with a smug smirk, causing Blake to glare at her with a pout.

"So of those 25 universes will be 25 books filled with the lore and stories from those universes, of course some like the Marvel universe will still have blank pages but what I have shown you will be there." Bill explained.

"And what about the million other books in here?" Blake asked

"They're empty aren't they?" Salem asked.

"Bingo! If I haven't shown you a universe yet then the book will remain blank but once I do show you a universe then the book will become the story of that universe." Bill finished..

Salem hummed "Interesting system, you'll let us see what we need to see."

"You still don't trust us, do you?" Blake asked a bit saddened.

"Don't take it personally, I don't trust anyone and besides, everyone has their secrets." Bill said as he summoned a watch and looked at the time "I need to go take care of some stuff, see you guys in an hour."

With a yellow flash, Bill disappeared. Leaving the two alone in the large library, they walked to Book Bill's desk in silence.

"Hiya! What can I do for ya?" Book Bill asked as he fixed his bow tie.

"Hi." Blake greeted sheepishly.

"Bill said we had to come to you before looking through the books of this library." Salem stated.

"Yup!" Book Bill exclaimed as he slammed two cards on the desk. One in Purple with Blake's name, surname, age and picture and the other in black with Salem's name, age and picture. "These are your library cards, it lets you access the books in here and if you get lost in there then just tell the card and it'll do the rest."

"The card is sentient?" Salem asked skeptically as they both picked up their respective cards.

"Nope!" Book Bill answered with a shrug.

"Okay...where can I find the Marvel books?" Blake asked.

"Row 616" Book Bill answered "Just tell the card."

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