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Babylon Trailer

"More magic? Well it looks like I'm gonna have a good time." Roman said with a smirk, shuffling his cards.

"Wait a damn minute..." Mercury muttered, eyeing the cards and checking his pockets. He widened his eyes in surprise and glared at Roman, "Hey! What the hell man!?"

"Abracadabra chump." Roman replied, wiggling his eyebrows as he made the cards disappear.

'Boom' Neo wrote as a sort of hype man for Roman.

Mercury growled in anger as Emerald and Cinder snickered at his enraged face.

"The most magical place in the world..." Ozpin pondered, "That quite literally narrows none of them down."

"Mind giving us some more context, you glorified math equation?" Robyn asked.

"Yeah, I don't think he's gonna answer you right now." Vernal said as she and many others watched Bill continuously cackle in a fit of madness from above them, "At least not cohesively anyway."

"Hold on guys, Nora speaks crazy. She's got this." Jaune said as he smacked Nora on the back, "You're up, Nora! What's up with Bill?"

"I take serious offense to that!" Nora exclaimed, "But his chuckle and laugh patterns indicate some pretty R rated stuff."

"Wow, that actually worked?" Blake asked with a raised brow.

"R rated? Oh no..." Weiss said with a frown.

"Calm your non-existent tits, Ice Princess. It ain't that bad." God Raven said, nodding to Bill, "Right Bill?"

Bill stopped laughing and turned towards them as he chuckled darkly, "Hehe, this is gonna be fun."

He teleported to his seat and started the trailer as almost all of them watched in anticipation.

The trailer starts off with the sounds of aggressive snorting taking place then it reveals Yang in a red dress and Oscar in a suit doing cocaine together.

"Bruh!" Yang exclaimed with her jaw dropped as Sun, Coco, Cardin and Mercury laughed.

"Young lady! What the hell!?" Taiyang exclaimed.

"This is not how we raised you, Yang!" Summer stated.

"Where you even there?" Qrow asked.

"Shush! Qrow!" Summer shouted with a pout.

"Exactly!" Raven said with a disapproving frown, "Yang, I've raised you better."

"Where you even there?" Qrow asked.

"Shut the fuck up, Qrow!" Raven shouted with a glare.

"Hehe, you're in trouble~" Ruby teased with a smirk.

"Cocaine though? I mean weed maybe, but freakin' snow yo?" Yang asked.

"You gotta dial back on those cop shows." Blake comments.

"It's gonna be one of those universes then." Oscar muttered, putting his popcorn bucket over his head, "Just give me a play by play."

"Will do, my fellow platonic compatriot!" Whitley said with a nod as he proudly smirked, 'Nicely done, Whitley! Now they know how hip I am!'

"What about you?" Yang asked.

"Sorry?" Oscar asked, rubbing his nose.

"If you could go anywhere in the whole world, where would you go?" Yang asked, rubbing her nose as well.

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