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Captain America: The Winter Soldier Trailer

"Wait, which captain are you referring to?" Sienna asked.

"The Marvel one obviously." Bill said.

"Yes!" Jaune exclaimed excitedly.

"No!" Roman exclaimed disappointedly.

"Captain Vale is back baby!" Nora exclaimed with a grin.

"Even though Iron Rose is better, I wanna see what Jaune's been up to." Ruby said with a smile.

"Hey! Who said Iron Rose was better?" Jaune asked.

"Me. I did." Ruby said with a smirk "Can't stop me from speaking the truth."

"That's not the truth, Captain Vale is way cooler." Jaune said.

Ruby scoffed "On what planet?"

"Remnant, that's what planet." Jaune stated.

"Oh yeah? Well..." Ruby dashed off in a flurry of petals around the room and back in her seat as she fiddled with random junk in her hands until she smirked and showed him a small circular pad that activated and a holographic version of Ruby blowing a raspberry towards Jaune popped up from it "This is what I think of ya Cap!"

Everyone jaw dropped at the sight as Bill sighed and rolled his eye.

"H-how'd you do that!?" Jaune exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah Rubes, how!?" Yang asked.

Ruby's smirk slowly disappeared as she blinked in confusion "I...I...I don't know! It just felt like I could and I did."

"That is so weird." Nora said.

"Alright calm down you two, we aren't even at that point yet." Bill said.

"What point?" Weiss asked.

"Nevermind," Bill said as he teleported to his seat "Let's just watch and enjoy this."

The trailer began by showing multiple people in a caged room as a man shut the cage door.

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists," Blake explained as a doctor was shown standing by a hospital bed as a man raised his hands to reveal that one of them was cybernetic.

"A metal" Mercury said with a shrug "I mean not as cool as a metal leg but close enough."

"So this is after the Avengers right?" Jaune asked as Bill nodded.

"Looks like the whole team is dealing with their own issues." Qrow stated.

"I'm saving the world." Nora said.

"I'm dealing with trauma and saving my...girlfriend." Ruby muttered the last part with a blush.

"Yeah...that's a thing in this universe..." Weiss muttered with a light blush.

"And Jaune is...?" Pyrrha asked.

"We'll just have to find out." Yang said.

"At least Blake's fine." Ruby said optimistically.

"I'm sure I've got my own issues that need to be dealt with." Blake said.

"She is a super spy in this one after all." Ren said.

"The ones that do call him the Grimm Soldier." Blake stated to Jaune as Ren was shown on an operating table with his shirt off.

"The Grimm Soldier?" Ren asked.

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