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As soon as Bill disappeared, the doors of the theater snapped open and everyone got up. As they walked, everyone was talking about the five trailers they have just seen with great enjoyment.

They arrived at the MMC hall and split off into groups. The beacon occupants with the parents on one side, Salem and her group on the another and Raven with her small group at another.

"Did you see Pyrrha as Wonder Woman? She was like, Pow! And Cha! And Swing!" Ruby said as she did karate moves that clearly weren't in the trailer.

"Don't forget Yang when she did that flip over the car in Bad Neighbors 2!" Nora exclaimed, also replicating moves that weren't there.

The rest watched with either sweatdrops or chuckled in amusement. As the group were enjoying themselves, Pyrrha looked towards Jaune who was looking at her. Both of them blushed and looked away from each other but they both had smiles on their faces.

"It seems that this whole showcasing was a good idea after all." Ozpin said as he looked around.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" Taiyang asked as the rest of the adults also listened in while the teens did their own things.

"Look around. Nobody is trying to kill each other anymore, it's not much but it is a start." Ozpin explained

"Seeing as that we were trying to kill each other yesterday, I can call that progress." Oobleck said.

"These alternate universe's are doing some good then?" Winter asked

"Better than an all out war." Qrow answered.

"Excuse me but can I ask a question that's been nagging my mind?" Yang asked as she slipped into their conversation.

"Yes, Yang?" Summer answered with a kind smile

"It's nothing really but how are you two alive?!!" Yang shouted pointing at both Summer and Amber.

Seeing as all the attention was on them, Summer and Amber sighed and started explaining what happened when they met Bill and what they talked about. They explained how Bill promised to protect them and how he was actually glad to make friends like them.

As they finished the group fell silent as they all had a lot to think about.

"So Bill is not that bad." Ruby said.

James scoffed "He still kidnapped all of us and literally trapped us in whatever this place is with a bunch of criminals and the literal creator of Grimm."

Amber glared at him "Bill isn't what you think he is! He brought everyone here to try and make peace and just have peace."

"That doesn't justify what he did." James replied.

"And fighting a war with teenagers is better?" Amber exclaimed gesturing to the beacon students.

"Now let's all just calm-" Ozpin started but was cut off.

"And you don't get to say anything! Keeping all of this a secret! For what reason! Keeping her a secret is more important than letting your 'precious' students know the truth and be safe! Keeping me a secret!" Amber shouted, gaining attention from the other groups.

Pyrrha watched the adults start to argue with a frown she then felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around she was surprised to see Sienna standing there with a nervous smile.

"Uh...Hi." Sienna said awkwardly

"Hello." Pyrrha replied, also awkwardly.

"Can we talk? Just the two of us?" Sienna asked

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