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Thor Trailer

"You two are hilarious!" Summer exclaimed as she giggled while pointing at Jaune and Qrow.

"Can't believe I needed a bodyguard even though I was a hitman." Qrow grumbled but then he looked at Jaune "No offense Jaune."

"None taken, it was cool seeing how you and me working together would look." Jaune said with a smile "Let's never team up yeah?"

"Agreed." Qrow answered with a smirk.

"Bill you said the next one is gonna be marvelous, were you hinting back to the Marvel universe perhaps?" Glynda asked.

"Nice listening skills, yeah we're back at it." Bill responded.

God Raven took out her notebook and clicked her pen "Let's do this."

"What is the Marvel universe?" Nicholas asked.

Ozpin was about to answer when Nora jumped in "A super cool, mega superhero bonanza of fun and awesomeness!!"

"Uh...what?" Whitley asked still confused.

"It's an awesome universe filled with heroes and villains." Yang explained.

"AND WE'RE SUPERHEROES!!" Ruby shouted excitedly as she posed "I am Iron Rose."

"Captain Vale is right here." Sun said as he pointed as Jaune who blushed in embarrassment.

"Professor Oobleck as the Incredible Hulk, reporting for duty." Oobleck saluted.

"Wow, that sounds almost unreal but since we've already seen so much. I can assume it's all true." Willow said in shock and awe.

"Well it's not very impressive if we summarize them so far but believe us, there are an abundance of many wondrous characters in the Marvel universe." Nanny Glynda said.

"Wait does Wonder Woman count?" Coco asked.

"Huh, I never thought about that." Pyrrha said.

"No that's a totally different universe." Bill answered.

"But there are different heroes and villains in that one as well." God Raven added.

"Then how come you didn't show us yet!?" Ruby exclaimed "We have a right to see man!"

"Hey, all requests go in the suggestion box." Bill said as he pointed at her.

"And where is that?" Cinder asked.

"The comments section." Bill answered.

"The what?" Ironwood asked.

"Exactly." Bill replied.

They all looked at him with confusion written on their faces as God Raven snickered.

"Should we start this whole shebang or what?" God Raven asked.

"Just a second." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and a portal opened next to him.

Clover Ebi and Robyn Hill fell right through and most were confused by who he was but Ironwood, Penny and Winter widened their eyes as they saw him.

"That's gonna leave a mark." Clover commented as he sat up and looked around.

Robyn groaned "Where are we?"

"Clover!?" Ironwood exclaimed.

Clover widened his eyes and stood up with a salute "General Ironwood sir, it is good to see you again."

"Ironwood." Robyn greeted blandly.

"Uh, who're they?" Emerald asked as Mercury shrugged.

"We actually need them here for this one and I guess the rest, so Ironwood mind keeping them in the loop?" Bill asked.

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