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Disney's Frozen Trailer

"Both cold and heartwarming?" Winter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup." Bill said with a nod.

"Doesn't that sound a little contradictory to you?" Weiss asked.

"Hey even the coldest people can have the most heartwarming moments." Bill said with a shrug.

"I guess that's true even if for some its frankly impossible." Winter said as she sent a glare to her father.

"Hmph!" Jacques merely grunted.

"Anyway, what I said is true...kind of." Bill said as he teleported to his seat and started the trailer "Just have fun and enjoy."

"Summer," A man narrated as the kingdom of Vale was shown "In the city of Vale."

"The best time of Vale." Ruby said with a grin.

"Blue skies and chill vibes." Yang said with a happy sigh.

"It couldn't be warmer; it couldn't be sunnier." The man continued as a port was shown and multiple people walked along a bridge into Vale.

"Vale is a hotspot for tourists during summer." Ozpin said with a hum.

"Which is why I hate this time of the year," Glynda said with a glare "The tours I have to give are just torturous."

"It's not so bad." Ozpin defended.

"Easy for you to say! While I work, you and the male teachers leave!" Glynda complained.

"It's called fishing with the boys, I gotta be there for my boys." Ozpin said as he fist bumped Oobleck and Port.

"But that's about to change," The man narrated as Winter was shown opening her balcony doors.

"Whoa Ice Queen was that you?" Qrow asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So what if it was?" Winter asked as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I couldn't really tell since the only kind of clothes you Schnees have is white." Qrow said which earned him glares from the Schnees and a few chuckles.

"Forever." The man finished as Winter was shown in a blue dress on a snowy mountain and bringing her hands down and releasing a blue blast of ice.

Salem widened her eyes along with Ozpin as Glynda let out a gasp while the council members were in a higher state of shock than the others.

"The winter maiden..." Glynda muttered quietly.

"Your sister has ice powers!?" Ruby exclaimed in shock.

"No! I've never seen her do that!" Weiss exclaimed as she looked at Winter who shrugged.

"Vale..." Weiss said in shock as the ocean was freezing up and a view of the snow covered castle and city was shown.

"It's completely frozen." Neptune stated as he looked on in shock.

"What have you done..." Jacques muttered with wide eyes.

"I knew you were an ice queen but I didn't mean it literally." Qrow said as Winter glared at him.

"I wouldn't willingly do this!" Winter shouted.

"That's right, my granddaughter would not hurt people for her own personal enjoyment." Nicholas said as Winter gave him a thankful smile.

"Tell that to the amount of times she's punched me in the face..." Qrow said with an eye roll.

"Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold..." Weiss kept saying as she shuffled her way to a cabin while her dress was completely frozen stiff.

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