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The Last of Us Trailer

The theater was silent for about to minutes. Bill let out a groan of frustration, twirling a remote for a 100 times gets boring.

"Are you done yet?" Bill asked.

Some of the beacon occupants glared at him but nonetheless Ruby nodded.

"Great! Now we can continue." Bill said.

"Is this one gonna be like the last one?" Ruby asked.

The criminals and Bill groaned in annoyance.

"Are you kidding me!?" Roman shouted.

"Listen Hood, you're a teenager so I don't care if you still live in La La land. I'm not gonna censor anything because none of you can handle it and if I have to waste the irrelevancy of time because of any of you then I will literally lose it!" Bill shouted and some flinched.

Bill returned to his seat and was about to start the trailer.

"At least tell us what it's called?" Weiss shouted.

Bill sighed "The Last of Us!"

"What if it's true?" Glynda's voice said from a dark screen.

"Oh, so I'm in this one." Glynda said.

"Lets just hope nothing bad happens." Oobleck said.

People were shown running away and screaming as a burning car was shown in the distance then the camera went dark.

"You just had to jinx it." Qrow said.

Oobleck smiled and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"What do you think happened?" Jaune asked

"Who knows? Maybe you'll be the hero again Vomit boy." Yang said.

Jaune rolled his eyes with a smile

"Do I need to remind you what is out there?" Taiyang said.

"Dad! You're here!!" Ruby shouted and Taiyang smiled with a nod.

"Oh man! If dad's here then this is gonna be awesome!" Yang said with Ruby nodding

"Looks like there are some high expectations for you, Tai." Qrow said smirking

"It seems so." Taiyang said as he watched his kids watch the trailer

Abandoned lockers are shown with the sun hitting them then the shadow of a figure that was spasming and walking with a limp was shown, it was growling.

Several gasps were heard from the audience.

"Is that?" Weiss asked.

"I think it is." Pyrrha answered.

"Oh no..." Yang said as she looked over to Ruby.

Ruby's eye was twitching and she was shaking

"3..2..1" Qrow said as he took a sip of his drink.

"ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ruby shouted as she koala hugged Yang.

"Dang! Girls got lungs." Emerald said as she covered her ears.

"Once upon a time." Taiyang said.

A forest was shown with two people watching the sunset. Then the screen went dark.

"I had somebody that I cared about." Taiyang continued as he was shown looking up and Junior was behind him.

"You had?" Qrow asked and Taiyang grew worried for his family.

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