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Happy Death Day Trailer

"Wish that it never ended?" Qrow asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ooh! Is it about a wish granting genie!?" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

God Raven chuckled "No I'm not showing you that...yet."

"So genie's do exist!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly.

"Well I don't really care about these weird riddles just as long as we see something awesome." Mercury said with a shrug.

"Some of you might enjoy this one," God Raven said as she winked as Tyrian who grinned.

"This is gonna be bad then." Watts said with a sigh.

"Let's begin!" God Raven said as she teleported to her bed and started the trailer.

The trailer started by showing a sleeping Yang while a song played in the background.

"Yeah! I love the ones about me!" Yang said with a smirk.

"Great...another boost to her annoying ego." Weiss said as she face-palmed.

Yang groggily woke up and looked around the room in confusion, she picked up her scroll to see her dad was calling her and chose to ignore it.

"Well that was harsh." Taiyang said.

Yang shrugged with a nervous smile "Sometimes you just call too much."

"Yeah it kinda gets annoying." Ruby said.

Taiyang dropped his head down in depression as Summer and Raven soothed him while Qrow laughed.

"Oh hey," Jaune said with a smile as he stood up "You're up."

"Am I in a dorm room?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, I folded you pants for you." Jaune said as Yang stood up in only her shirt and panties as she took her pants from Jaune.

"Great." Yang said nonchalantly.

Jaune spat out his drink in shock as most were shocked at the sight.

"Well I didn't expect that." Yang said as she laughed.

"Jaune you sly dog~" Saphron teased.

"ARC!!!" Taiyang and Raven shouted as they glared at him in anger.

"So Yang and fearless leader did the devil's tango?" Nora asked.

"I didn't do anything! I don't even like Yang that way!" Jaune defended.

Yang smirked internally as she hugged Jaune's arm and rubbed her breasts against them with a pout "Aww I'm hurt Jauney..."

Jaune turned red as Pyrrha angrily separated them "L-Let go of him!"

Yang raised her arms up in defense "Chill Wonder Woman, I'm only kidding. I like Jaune as a friend, that's it."

"Lucky bastard!" Roman, Sun, Neptune and Junior growled as Jaune who had a nosebleed.

Meanwhile Taiyang and Raven were being held back by Summer and Qrow as they tried to kill Jaune.

Yang started taking off her shirt just as the door burst open to reveal Sun.

"Dude did you get that-" Sun cut himself off as he was shocked to see Yang.

Yang, now changed, stormed out of the room as Sun leaned towards the door to let her out. Jaune looked disappointed in Sun as she left.

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