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The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Trailer

"I actually have no idea what this one could be." Yang said with a shrug.

"Same weird family with new weird problems?" Ren repeated as he contemplated on Bill's words.

"What weird family have we seen?" Weiss asked as she looked around at her peers.

"Jaune's?" Sun guessed as Neptune burst out in laughter.

"Hey!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Resent that!" Saphron shouted.

"What? It's not my fault alternate you started a war with your neighbors or took game night too far." Sun explained with a shrug.

"Look how about I show it you so I can relieve all of your worries?" Bill suggested and they wholeheartedly agreed as Bill teleported back to his seat and started the trailer.

Ruby was shown in her uniform and red sneakers as she looked up at the sky which had a blue energy wave portal that soon dispersed.

"Yastu! Ren!" Ruby called out as she looked around in confusion as she slowly walked out of the alley and a tank passed by her while the street was complete chaos "Oh this can't be right."

"Is this?" Ruby asked with a grin.

"I think it is!" Yang exclaimed excitedly.

"The hell did we do now?" Ruby asked as Blake, Cinder, Ren, Yatsuhashi, Jaune and Oscar were shown looking to the sky as a large explosion mushroom was revealed to be what they were looking at and it enveloped them.

Salem widened her eyes as she grinned and let out an excited squeal with a little dance as everyone around her looked on in shock.

"My favorite team of heroes have returned!" Salem exclaimed like a child in a candy store "Oh joyous day!"

"Ma'am you seem so..." Tyrian tried to say but she glared at him and he gulped.

"Expressive, he meant to say that you seem so expressive madam." Watts came in with a save.

Salem rolled her eyes and went back to gushing over the trailer as Ozpin looked on with a small sad smile.

'It's been a while since she looked so...happy.' Ozpin thought as a sing tear ran down the side of his face.

"Professor..." Glynda said in worry, Ozpin simply shook his head and wiped the tear away.

"The Umbrella Academy!" Nora exclaimed in joy.

"I was wondering if these guys would ever make a comeback!" Yang exclaimed with a proud smirk.


"What was that!?" Ruby exclaimed as the destroyed town was no longer destroyed and looked relatively normal, if not old school.

"The end of the world, November 25, 1963." An older Mercury said to her.

"Good god, Merc is that you?" Emerald asked in amusement.

"Man I'm old!" Mercury exclaimed but shrugged with a cocky smirk "Still handsome though."

"In your dreams buddy." Junior said with a laugh.

"So they went back in time!?" Jaune exclaimed in surprise.

"By accident in any case." Penny added.


"And where am I now?" Ruby asked as the camera entered a shop and showed multiple shops.

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