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Iron Man Trailer

The residents of Remnant looked at each other in confusion at Bill's words. One question ran through everyone's mind's as they looked at each other.

'What the heck is a Marvel?' Everyone thought.

Bill looked at their faces and inwardly laughed as he summoned his cane and started twirling it.

"What's a Marvel?" Amber asked, seeing as everyone was silent.

Bill chuckled as he gave her a big thumbs up for finally asking. Amber blushed and looked down as Bill started explaining.

"Well Marvel is-" Bill couldn't finish as he was cut off.

"Marvel is another universe, but it's not just a universe. It's THE universe." God Raven said as she appeared in a flash, next to Bill.

Everyone was shocked at the sight of her and most jaw dropped. This shock was either out of fear, respect or admiration.

"Raven! What are you doing here!?" Bill shouted with his eye wide.

Raven rolled her eyes at the triangle "Universe 15 has become stale, so I thought that I'd come here to get rid off my boredom."

"H-Hi me." Raven uttered fearfully from the group.

Most were shocked at Raven's nervousness and fear. She has never been one to be nervous nevertheless afraid.

God Raven gave her a small wave and turned to speak to Bill.

"What makes you think I'm gonna let you stay!?" Bill shouted as he put his hands on his side's.

"I heard you were looking for someone to write and record things for Marvel." Raven said with a small smirk "An assistant perhaps."

Bill's eye popped out of its socket, spun in the air and popped back in as he looked at her in shock.

"No! No way! Never!" Bill shouted as he crossed his arms

"Oh come now Bill, who else is better suited for the job?" God Raven asked.

"Literally anyone else!" Bill shouted.

"I'm hurt Bill. But what did I expect from a floating shape." Raven said.

"At least I wasn't named after my hair!" Bill shouted back.

"Says the floating math equation." Raven said calmly.

The two continued to insult each other while everyone watched and some laughed.

"Is it me or do they fight like an old married couple?" Ruby whispered to Yang.

"They're not the only ones." Yang said as she pointed at Qrow and Winter who were arguing again.

Salem sighed as she was beginning to get bored, she stood up and cleared her throat.

"CHILDREN!!!!" She shouted looking at Bill and God Raven, catching the attention of everyone in the process.

"Can you please make a desicion so we can move on?" Salem asked and most agreed.

Bill cleared his throat and fixed his bow tie as Raven dusted herself off. They both glared at each other but said nothing.

"Before we move on does anyone want the job as my assistant?" Bill asked.

Everyone was silent as some raised their arms up but immediately put them down when they saw God Raven's deadly glare.

God Raven looked at Bill with a smirk "Looks like no one wants the job, well except me.

Bill looked at everyone as he begged with his eye "Anyone? Anyone at all? Please?"

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