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POKEMON Detective Pikachu Trailer

After Nanny Glynda had reluctantly cleaned up the mess that was made in the theater, she returned to her seat though she was mumbling a few colorful words about Bill on the way.

"Okay, now that's settled. You guys ready for the next one?" Bill asked.

"Yeah!" The enthusiastic teens shouted while everyone else gave out simple "yeah's" and "yes's"

Bill rolled his eyes "For the record, most of you guys are super dull."

And with that, Bill teleported to his seat and began the trailer.

The trailer began by showing Jaune's back as he walked out from under a bridge into a plaza filled with people and Pokemon coexisting peacefully and going about their normal lives.

"Welcome to Rym city." A voice over a speaker said.

Everyone was shocked and vey confused at the spectacle. Everyone was at peace and living among some very strange looking creatures

"What the!?" Yang shouted with her eyes wide.

"Well this is strange." Roman said as he was shocked.

"What are those things" Salem asked as she was shocked as well.

"They look so cute!" Summer exclaimed with a squeal.

"Care to explain?" Ozpin asked as he looked at Bill.

All eyes were now on him and he rolled his eye.

"You wanna take this one or...?" Bill asked as he looked at God Raven.

God Raven sighed and stood up, bringing all the attention onto her.

"In universe 26, humans and Faunus live among magical creatures you dubbed as Pokemon. Pokemon, also known as Pocket Monsters, are creatures with varying abilities that help in Universe 26's everday life. From house work to battles." God Raven explained.

"How many of these Pokemon are there?" James asked in shock.

"807 species, as far as I know." Bill answered

"How powerful are these Pokemon exactly?" Cinder asked not so subtly.

"Arrgh... let's just say that you'd lose to a Charizard." Bill answered

Cinder rose an eyebrow, not sure if she was offended by that or not.

"Always stay positive." Nanny Glynda optimistically cheered.

Listening to the Gods varied answers, the cast looked at each other. They did expect to see some weird things in these universes but now they were looking at a whole different species entirely.

"These things just keep getting better and better." Ruby said.

"A celebration of the harmony between humans and Pokemon." The voice continued as Pyrrha was shown holding onto a car door with a Psyduck standing next to her.

"You know these things look pretty cute." Saphron admitted.

"Right!" Kali said as she totally agreed.

"I want one!" Ruby exclaimed

'Me too.' Most of the theater thought but just wouldn't admit it.

Jaune was shown walking through the streets then he was shown looking at framed up certificates.

"Jaune. Your dad was a legend in this precinct." Ozpin said.

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