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Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer

"Marvel's galaxy?" Blake asked.

Ruby gasped "We're going to space!?"

"Seriously!?" Yang exclaimed.

"Nope, we're about to meet new heroes within Marvel." Bill stated.

"Aww, I thought we'd see some thunder again." Nora said disappointedly.

"A lot of us have been shown in Marvel already, I wonder who we'll see now." Ozpin said with a sip of his coffee.

"As long as it's not Arc, I'll vibe with it." Cardin said.

"Hey!" Jaune shouted.

"Is the Marvel galaxy as crazy as their Remnant?" Cinder asked.

"50/50." God Raven replied.

"The whole universe as a whole is pretty insane." Mercury said.

"Very true." Nicholas agreed.

"Alright! Let's do this thing!" Bill exclaimed, teleporting to his seat and pressing the button on the remote.

The trailer began by showing a man standing in an ancient temple as large doors opened in front of him. The man held up a sphere and it lit up as he entered the temple, this man was in fact Taiyang.

"One universe wasn't enough?" Taiyang asked with a chuckle.

"That treasure hunting blood runs deep." Qrow joked.

"We should go out and find treasure ourselves, like old times." Summer said.

"Taiyang seems to be a GPS for this kind of thing so why not." Raven said with a shrug.

"Is this Uncharted?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, I thought you said this was Marvel." Yang said, looking at the gods.

"If you took the time to actually pay attention then you'd know what was happening." God Raven snarked with an eye roll.

"Oh hush," Nanny Glynda chided and smiled at Yang "Just keep watching dear, it will start to make sense."

With the sphere on the ground, Taiyang took of his headphones and approached another sphere that was floating on a glowing pedestal.

"What's that?" Jaune asked.

"Some kind of relic?" Neptune guessed.

"None that I've ever seen." Ozpin said with a curious hum.

Taiyang grabbed ahold of the sphere and turned around, only to be met by three armed men with their guns trained on him.

"Ah, crap." Taiyang said.

"You must've been around me for too long, my semblance is starting to rub off on you." Qrow said nonchalantly.

"That raises your potential of death to 94% Mr. Xiao Long." Penny stated enthusiastically.

Taiyang looked at Qrow with wide eyes "You're moving out as soon as we get back."

"Oh come on!" Qrow exclaimed as Winter laughed.

"Drop it, now!" The leader shouted.

"Yeah, hey, cool man. No prob-" Taiyang said as he dropped the sphere and one of the men hit his arm with the gun and he raised his arms "No problem at all."

Tyrian chuckled "You sound like a little bitch."

"I'm sorry, have you ever had guns pointed at you from all directions?" Taiyang asked irritated.

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