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Bad Neighbors 2 trailer

The group sat there confused about Bill's ominous sentence as some thought heavily about it.

"What does he mean about feeling bad about our neighbors?" Ruby asked.

Nora jumped up with her arm raised up "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!"

Most of the cast looked at her weirdly but Ren just sighed.

"Nora you don't have to raise your hand." He said and she dropped her hand.

Smiling sheepishly, She answered Ruby's question "He's talking about Bad Neighbors."

"Didn't we already do Bad Neighbors?" Jaune asked.

"Awesome by the way." Yang added

Bill floated in circles and cleared his throat, catching their attention "Yeah, but they are going through a new adventure. It's not as funny as the first but it's still funny."

"Well no complaints here, let's do it." Yang said as she grinned

The cast looked at one another and shrugged, looking back at Bill. Taking this as a sign of saying yes, Bill pressed his remote and started the trailer.

The trailer started and it was not what they were expecting. Girls in white dresses with flowers crowns on their heads, stood in a row and were ushering the camera inside.

"What the..." Yang started

The camera zoomed in and it showed Weiss opening the door and ushering the camera inside.

The group was stunned and most had no idea what to think.

"So...Weiss is here." Ruby said as she stared at the screen in shock

Weiss stared at the screen in disbelief.
"This can't be happening."

"I think it is princess." Roman said starting to find amusement in the situation.

"The first time I'm seen in a different universe and I'm...I'm..." Weiss said as she searched for the words

"A Pansy?" Blake guessed.

"A flower girl?" Neptune also guessed.

"A loser, oh wait you already are." Mercury said smirking as Weiss leveled a hateful glare at him.

Cardin laughed as he reached over for a high five with Mercury. Mercury raised an eyebrow and shook his head, Cardin slumped down back into his seat.

A bunch of clips of the girls doing things like walking while holding hands and posing in bathing suits were shown as the montage ended with Weiss blowing confetti onto the screen.

"That was the fakest thing I have ever seen!" Weiss shouted

"You know in some way, it kind of suits her." Cinder whispered to Emerald as she watched Weiss' outrage in amusement.

Emerald laughed with Yang as she fell off her chair.

"Why are we seeing this again?" Raven asked as she looked at Bill.

"It get's better." Bill simply replied.

"Welcome to Phi Lambda!" Weiss said as the symbols appeared on the t.v screen. The camera panned to Weiss standing in front of a large group of girls as she cheered and clapped, them doing the same.

"Kill. Me. Please!" Weiss groaned as the other teens chuckled.

"Qrow I might need a drink if I keep watching this crap." Taiyang said and his best friend grinned.

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