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Police Academy Trailer

Everybody was ecstatic as they talked about The Avengers and how their adventures would go, their teamwork and their weapons although that conversation was led by Ruby and Summer. Bill snapped his fingers which echoed throughout the room, gaining their attention.

"You guys done? Because I already have the next one prepared." Bill said as he shook the remote in front of them.

"Sorry but The Avengers were just so cool." Ruby said and cheers of agreement rang out.

"Please tell me they come back?" Yang asked.

"Well there are a lot of things from Marvel that are still to be shown so I guess you'll just have to wait and see." Bill said.

"Oh this just keeps getting better and better." Mercury said.

"I hope I have a cool Marvel version of myself." Cardin muttered.

"So what's the next one about?" Glynda asked.

"Yes you did say that you were gonna take us back to 1984." Winter said.

"What a time to be alive." Ozpin said with a nostalgic smile.

"Indeed. The sights, the culture," Salem listed.

"The weed." Salem and Ozpin both said together with reminiscent smiles as everyone looked at them in shock.

"Wait what?" Summer asked.

"So you said it was based in 1984?" Ozpin asked Bill.

"Ozpin what did you say about weed?" Ironwood asked.

"What is about Mr. Cypher?" Salem asked.

"I think they are blatantly ignoring us." Nicholas said.

"Ozpin!" Glynda shouted.

"We would surely like to know Bill." Ozpin said with a smile.

"They are!" Everyone besides the gods, Salem and Ozpin shouted.

Bill chuckled "Well you guys saw how superheroes got their footing so now I'm gonna show you how police officers get their footing."

"We're gonna watch one about cops?" Roman asked in disgust.

"EW!" Mercury shouted.

"Don't write it off just yet, it's much more amusing than you think." Bill said as he laughed at the craziness of this universe "I'll just let the universe speak for itself."

Bill started the trailer and teleported to his seat as the rest watched on though they did feel underwhelmed.

The trailer started by showing two men walking down the street as two other men approached them and one of the slapped the other's oranges away. This prompted a brawl and soon one of the men were thrown through a store window.

"Crime." Ironwood narrated "The city was full of it."

"Sounds like paradise." Emerald said with a dreamy sigh.

"Doing whatever you want, whenever you want sounds like a dream come true." Mercury said with a dreamy sigh of his own.

"This isn't gonna be like The Division is it?" Ruby asked worriedly.

"Oum I hope not." Saphron said.

"Hey! Free T.V'S" A man shouted as he held onto a T.V.

"You clearly stole it!" Glynda shouted.

"Does it count when it's during a riot?" Bill asked his fellow gods.

"Yes." Nanny Glynda responded.

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