Chapter 24: Reflections and Realizations

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Nisha Point of View

As I stood there in the woods, I couldn't help but feel lost and disoriented. The reason for my confusion became clear when I remembered that I had lost consciousness due to something my brother had done. However, I knew I couldn't continue being weak all the time. I felt the need to confront and accept everything, even the possibility that a monster might someday take control of me.

Recently, I found myself in a place called FE-R001, where we were practicing something unspecified. Strangely, someone encouraged me to walk all the way to the finish, where I could see the door of the village. I followed their advice, walking quietly and surprisingly feeling no fear in my chest.

As I approached the finish, the door remained unchanged, still hidden by overgrown vegetation on all sides. It seemed like nobody else had noticed the existence of this door. Despite not fully understanding why I was there, I decided to trust my instincts and continue onward.

Finally, when I reached the door, I was greeted by a familiar voice, calling out, "Nisha, it's great to see you again."

I was taken aback by the icy voice that echoed from above. Turning back, I noticed Zyan perched in the tree where FE-R001 and I had sat the previous day. He hadn't changed a bit. His eyes still had that absorbing energy, but strangely, I no longer felt afraid of them.

"Zyan," I murmured, acknowledging his presence.

In an instant, he drifted and melded into the tree, then leaned in close to me and forcefully flung open the door. Unsure if we were on the right track, I decided to trust Zyan's lead and followed him through the doorway.

As the door opened, I caught sight of the residents of the mysterious community beyond. Many children were playing and seemed carefree. Despite the surroundings being pitch black, it felt like nightfall was approaching. To my surprise, it was the first time I had ever seen the sun shining at Blyth Otwa Academy, which was usually enveloped in gloom as if it were pouring rain outside.

Zyan and I moved through the village, feeling like invisible beings as people went about their daily routines, seemingly unaware of our presence. Every home we entered revealed the residents' desperate need for help. The sackcloth dwellings portrayed their difficult living conditions, yet the locals appeared untroubled. Even the parents wore smiles while watching their children play, despite not having proper attire—clothes were torn and tattered, hair tangled, and lips parched, as if they had never known moisture. Men's hair was long, while the rest kept theirs short. Though they couldn't see us, their voices filled the air, and I could hear the sound of youthful laughter, as if they remained unaffected by their hardships. It made me want to emulate their resilience—despite the difficulties, they continued to fight and press on.

Zyan suddenly shared his insight, "They seem so content because they have fully accepted the reality of their lives. They focus on facing life's challenges without succumbing to fear. Even in the face of adversity, they stand ready to fight with unwavering resolve. They do not fear death because they understand the nature of this place, where death is inevitable."

His words sent me into deep contemplation. Would I be able to treat life's realities the same way when I am confronted with them? These villagers' unwavering strength and acceptance of their circumstances were both admirable and thought-provoking.

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