Chapter 2: Revealing Nick and the Bytrans City's Poisons

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Nisha's Point of View

I awoke in an unusual location - surrounded by dense woodlands. As I looked around, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was trapped in yet another dream. Determined to figure out what was going on, I got up on my feet and began walking, the rustling sound of leaves underfoot echoing through the forest.

Despite sensing a presence behind me, I pressed on, choosing not to glance back just yet. Suddenly, a voice, unfamiliar to me, called out, addressing someone named Nick. The tone was menacing, talking about expectations, rescue, and betrayal. I couldn't comprehend the context, but I couldn't resist my curiosity. With a sigh, I turned around to confront the situation, reminding myself that it was all just a dream.

As I faced the speaker, he turned his back on me, and standing in front of him was another man, who also turned away. Both of them had muscular bodies, indicating a potential conflict between them. Their faces remained hidden from my view, obscured by their wide backs. I wondered whether it was worth wandering closer to get a better look at their faces.

The atmosphere was tense, and I had no clue how I ended up in this bizarre dream scenario or who these people were. But being in a dream, I felt a strange detachment from the fear that would have gripped me in reality. I decided to stay and observe, hoping that somehow this dream would unravel its mysteries.

When the other person laughed at me, I was about to take a step forward, assuming that he must be Nick. However, the identities of the other two hooded individuals remained unclear, their faces obscured by the long hoodies they wore, which reached down to their ankles. The atmosphere was peculiar, and the weight of their presence felt heavy and unsettling. All three of them were dressed in black, which added to the sense of mystery surrounding them.

"It's true, I can defend myself. And you knew I wouldn't follow his orders," Nick spoke calmly, as if trying to justify his actions. Strangely, despite the calm surroundings of the forest, I suddenly realized that I couldn't hear any of the usual noises that should be present in such an environment. It was as if something was blocking my ears, preventing me from hearing their conversation clearly. I couldn't understand what was happening, and even the sounds of animals seemed to be absent, which was quite unusual. I couldn't help but wonder if something had affected my senses, like the drug Fentanyl, which I mentioned earlier.

As I continued observing them, their hooded suits made them appear even more peculiar and enigmatic. I tried to sense their body language or hear their heartbeats, but it seemed futile, as if some force was interfering with my perception.

The situation was becoming increasingly surreal, and I had no idea how I got here or what the purpose of this dream was. I decided to stay cautious and alert, unsure of what would unfold next in this peculiar dream realm.

The man's sudden outburst startled me, and I took a step back in surprise. He claimed that he was trying to assist Nick and that someone, a woman, wouldn't show up. Confusion filled my mind as I tried to comprehend the situation unfolding before me. As he turned around to face us, I hoped to see his face, but he wore a black mask that concealed all features except for his mesmerizing brown eyes. Those eyes held a strange power, seemingly capable of hypnotizing anyone who looked into them. I found myself fixated on his gaze, unable to look away.

However, to my surprise, I felt a sudden awareness that his eyes were focused on me. It was as though he could see right through me, and an instinctual fear compelled me to move away, questioning if it was merely a hallucination.

Nick responded coldly, claiming that the woman he mentioned was on her way and had already arrived. He seemed confident in her arrival and asserted that she wouldn't let him down. With those words, he agilely leaped into a nearby tree, displaying remarkable ninja-like skills. This revelation tied with the information about the Bytrans City ninjas shared by Mr. Shione.

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