Chapter 32: Behind Those Illusions

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Nisha's Point of View

As I sat in my office, surrounded by formulas and documents, I couldn't shake off the overwhelming mix of emotions flooding my mind. Regret and nostalgia intertwined as I reflected on the years I had lost, lost to illusions I willingly clung to because they offered me solace and happiness. Scenes of a perfect reality, where everything went as I desired, had consumed my thoughts for far too long.

But now, reality had caught up with me, and the weight of responsibility pressed heavily on my shoulders. I massaged my temples, trying to alleviate the headache that had started to throb. The burden of facing the truth and taking charge of our future was solely on me, and it was daunting.

In the midst of my thoughts, the memory of FEP01 resurfaced. FEP had been my ally throughout, supporting and protecting me from losing myself entirely to the illusions. They stood guard, ever vigilant, in case I got lost in the fabricated reality where I was the sole responsible being.

The revelation of my sibling and even my father wanting to join forces with me, believing they were the sole responsible ones, added another layer of complexity to my situation. The threat of harm hung in the air, and the thought of having to confront them was terrifying.

I recalled how every character in my illusionary world manifested in my dream home, Ottawa. It was meant to be our sanctuary, a place where our dreams came true, but it was all a facade built on the foundation of my experiments. From a young age, I had experimented on myself, creating illusions of the life I desperately wished to have - survival, happiness, and safety - all from when I was just a 14-year-old.

The whereabouts of Nathalie, the one who had helped me escape from her grandfather's clutches and thwart the experiment, were unknown to me now. News of her grandfather's passing and the dissolution of their Organization came as a surprise, as I had assumed Nathalie would continue his legacy forcefully.

As I pondered everything, a sense of bittersweet acceptance washed over me. I knew I had to face reality and step out of the illusions I had been holding onto for so long. The journey ahead seemed uncertain, but I was determined to confront the truth, even if it meant facing those I loved in difficult circumstances.

As I unraveled the layers of my past, memories of the dearly departed flooded my mind, adding to the emotional weight I already carried. Rebecca, Christopher, Kimeniah, and others who had left this world had played crucial roles in my life and the events that unfolded.

Christopher's willingness to face death's edge to save me from Mr. Shon's clutches left a deep impression on me. The sacrifices made by Kimeniah, who took a bullet for my sake during the ambush, touched my heart profoundly. I still felt the grief and loss of these dear friends who had given everything for me.

Thinking of Mr. Truce, who I had chosen to be my father in the illusion I created, brought forth complex emotions. I had sought refuge in his kindness and care during a time of poverty and despair. But now, I faced the reality that he was Mr. Shione's brother, someone entangled in the web of secrets and darkness.

Scarlete's actions to save us all and convince Shawn and Mr. Shione to attack the enemy's organization showcased the power of loyalty and friendship. It was through these events that I met Shawn, the person who became the catalyst for my change. My feelings for him grew, and as we fell in love, I found comfort and support in our relationship.

The revelation of my true parentage, discovering that my own father, Norman, was the mastermind behind the experiments and the leader of the Elvus Corporation, shook me to the core. The abandonment and betrayal by my father due to his pursuit of power and wealth left me feeling abandoned and hurt. Learning that my brother was also part of the experiments added another layer of sorrow and determination to set things right.

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