Chapter 6: Welcome to Blyth Otwa Academy

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Nisha's Point of View

After leaving the laboratory, we were taken aback by the intense sunlight outside, which made it challenging to determine our direction. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, our luck turned when we noticed signs on both sides of a prominent tree, pointing us in different directions. We proceeded cautiously, following the signs until we stumbled upon a hidden gem of accommodation.

This hotel was a well-kept secret, not widely known to the public. In a nutshell, it remained concealed from the bustling streets of Bytrans City. Our lack of knowledge about the city's layout made it all the more mysterious. However, we were relieved to realize that Blyth Otwa Academy, a prominent landmark, would be easy to locate when needed.

Gathering together in a single space, we were adamant about not letting ourselves get separated. Immediate discussions were crucial to address everything that had transpired. The room we found offered three beds, conveniently accommodating two people each, making it a perfect fit for our group.

As I roamed around the room, my eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the sight of white curtains adorning every window. Each window displayed beautiful images captured at some of Bytrans City's most picturesque locations. However, one photograph, in particular, caught my attention and drew me closer.

As I approached the painting, the feeling of being watched washed over me, but I ignored it and focused on the artwork. There, in front of me, was a depiction of a circular garden with a haunting eye at its center, seemingly peering right back at me.

Nathalie broke the silence, asking, "What's going on up there?" Despite her question, I remained silent, lost in contemplation of the unusual eye in the painting. Gradually, I realized that it wasn't just a mere painting; there was something more to it.

With newfound determination, I took out my camera and photographed the painting. Upon reviewing the image, my suspicions were confirmed—there was a hidden camera behind the painting, cleverly disguised. The camera's red light indicated that it was operational and probably transmitting our every move to someone else.

Reacting swiftly, I picked up the camera and disabled it, breaking it to ensure our privacy. We couldn't risk being spied upon in this mysterious and hidden hotel.

"They're following us around everywhere! They're just keeping an eye on us. I'm not sure who they are, but I'm sure they are aware of our every move," I exclaimed, a hint of nervousness in  my voice as I held up the shattered camera as evidence of our discovery.

Turning to face my companions, I saw their bewildered expressions as they took in the broken camera I held in my hand.

"How do you intend to proceed?" Shawn was the one to inquire, curiosity evident in his tone. I took a deep breath, knowing that I had to act swiftly but still uncertain about the best approach.

"I need to track down Nick as quickly as possible. It's not enough to just stare at this mysterious eye. In all of my dreams, they only say, 'Find him, and he can assist you,' and I'm convinced they were referring to Nick," I explained, trying to make sense of the cryptic messages I had been receiving in my dreams.

We knew that Nick held the key to understanding what was happening and why we were being surveilled. He had to be found, and with his help, we might uncover the truth behind this hidden hotel, the strange paintings, and the watchful eye. Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, we set our sights on locating Nick and finding out what role he played in all of this.

"Let's talk about the dream for a moment. Aren't you aware that we've all been having the same dream about you?" Shawn inquired, his tone filled with intrigue. I shook my head, indicating that I had no knowledge of such dreams.

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