Chapter 37: Sacrifice For Love

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Nisha's Point of View

After learning the results, I composed myself to hide my success. Letting others know could hinder or distract my plan. I removed the lab coat, mask, and gloves, and fixed my clothes, taking a deep breath as I decided to keep the cure's knowledge to myself.

Exiting the laboratory, I found Zayn and Patricia together with my robot in the living room. Zayn sensed my presence and looked at me, waiting for me to join them. We exchanged glances before I wearily sat on the couch, massaging my temple. The exhaustion from analyzing the formulas and creating the cure weighed heavily on me.

"I wouldn't ask you anymore," Zayn suddenly spoke up, prompting me to open my eyes and look at him. We locked eyes, and I waited for a moment before responding.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to pretend that we failed in our efforts. Although Zayn was there, I knew it was impossible for him to create the cure alone, given the advanced technology required, which they lacked in their facility.

"I don't want to ask what the result is. Failed or not, it's not up to me anymore. I'm just here to help you, Nisha. Just like you, I would do anything for someone I love. You're doing this for Shawn, and I'm assisting because I want justice for Rebecca. I promise to keep everything confidential, but you must promise me that you won't endanger your life for the sake of others," he said earnestly. I continued to gaze at him before returning to my previous position, closing my eyes and feigning indifference. I intended to maintain the pretense until my plan was successfully executed.

"Zayn, I appreciate your concern. For tomorrow, I want you to accompany me when I go to Nexus Corporation. But that will be the last time you help. I already owe you a lot, and I don't want you to risk your life, especially when Patricia is relying on you," I replied while still keeping my eyes shut. If I could, I'd applaud myself for saying those things to him.

Who wouldn't want help? I'm not as strong as my illusions may portray. Who wouldn't beg for assistance in this cruel world? It's not my nature, but I'm mature enough to know that I have to do this on my own. I'm not only doing it for myself but for everyone's sake. Shawn is capable of anything; he's my partner in crime in those experiments and knows the formulas well.

"It's almost evening, and I think we don't have space here to sleep, so we should get going. We'll be back before 8 in the morning so we can head to your company," Zayn suggested, prompting me to abruptly open my eyes and glance at Patricia, who was now bidding farewell to FEP01. My robot gently tapped her shoulder and moved away, giving Patricia enough time to compose herself before they departed.

As Patricia approached me, I sat up straight and embraced her tightly, caressing her back with a bittersweet smile. I couldn't predict the outcome of my plan, but I wanted Patricia to live in a safe world, free from harm and pain, and filled with happiness.

"You take care, okay? I'll see you tomorrow," I said to her. She nodded twice and planted a kiss on my cheeks.

"You too, beautiful. I love you!" she replied.

"I love you too, little girl."

She then turned to join her dad, and our eyes met. Zayn extended his hand for a handshake, and I gladly accepted it. He conveyed his support through a firm grip.

"Thank you, Zayn," I murmured, genuinely grateful for his backing.

"Nisha, we will still see each other. We have to. Whatever your plan is, please think if it's worth it," he responded, planting a kiss on my cheeks as well.

As they turned to leave, I got up and followed them to the door. I watched them leave while my faithful robot trailed behind me. Once they were outside, we exchanged waves, and I responded with a smile, cherishing these moments with them.

Zayn started the engine of their car, giving me a beep as they left the place. I remained in my position, watching until they were no longer in my sight. A tear fell, and I quickly wiped it away, forcing a sad smile. I wanted to hug Zayn earlier, to confide in him about my fear of dying and my dread of facing Shawn without him recognizing me. I longed to express my need for a better plan, but I had to maintain the pretense of strength.

Even now, I realized that I still wasn't strong enough to handle my own problems. The fear of being trapped in my illusions and enduring endless pain lingered. I felt utterly alone, just like when I was captured by the enemies in the past. The thought of being abandoned, with no one to help, haunted me. I couldn't escape the fear of falling asleep and never waking up, whispering my desperate hope for someone to stop the pain. But I knew no one would be there, as even Shawn had forgotten about me.


I found myself in my room, sitting at my study table with a long bond paper and a pen prepared. However, an hour had passed, and I couldn't seem to gather my thoughts to write anything down. My eyes wandered to the clothes I had set aside for tomorrow. My intention was not to stay long at Nexus Corporation. Fortunately, our company's mansion was conveniently located beside it.

My primary goal was to show myself to my brother, assuring him that I was safe. I needed to execute my plan swiftly, though the outcome remained uncertain. Besides, I planned to use the advanced map to search for any suitable shelter, preferably an abandoned one. Leaving FEP01 in Nexus Corporation seemed like the safest option I knew.

Reality snapped back when FEP01 entered my room, carrying a tray of food, including meat, dessert, and a glass of milk. My robot knew I didn't usually have heavy meals, so the portion was just right.

"Scientist Nisha should eat," my robot stated, setting the tray before me. I couldn't help but smile at how it always remembered my daily routines.

"Thank you. By the way," I said, starting to eat the food. "I want you to stay in Nexus Corporation for the meantime. I have plans, and I want you to be safe. There's something I need you to do as well," I added, hoping my loyal companion would understand and follow my instructions.

If I could take hours to write everything I needed to say, I would. This letter is for everyone who loves and supports me in everything I do, even if it means risking my life. Their unwavering support means everything to me, but I know I cannot choose them over my current life. I can't go back to them after abandoning Shawn. It would be unfair to them, knowing that the love of my life is suffering while they continue living their lives without him. Shawn never wanted to be a murderer, and I know he'll blame himself after this.

Once I finish writing, I call for FEP01, and it arrives within a minute. Handing over the paper, I look at my robot seriously.

"Time will come when you have to give this to my brother. I've said everything I wanted to here. Your task is to keep this letter and, when you hear of my death, please give it to him," I instruct. Even though it's just a robot, I feel like breaking down, but FEP01 stays by my side, emotionless yet capable of acting human. I don't want to live with my first robot invention, but I have no choice. I can't put another life at stake.

"I will make a note of it, Scientist Nisha. I will give this letter to your brother once you pass away," FEP01 assures me.

Nodding, I dismiss my robot and find myself alone in my room with one paper left. I'm trembling as I pick up the pen. This final letter is for Shawn. No matter what happens, I don't want him to blame himself. This letter will offer him peace, knowing that everything I did was for him and everyone else. He's capable of helping everyone, unlike me. I leave everything to him, and until my last breath, he will own my heart. Despite being the greatest scientist in the city, in my heart, Shawn will always be the best. In response to Zayn's question about my plan, I am certain it will be worth it. Shawn is more than enough reason for me to risk my life, and I'll never regret it, even in the afterlife.

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