Chapter 1: Unraveling Enigmas in Bytrans City

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As I gazed out the window at the sea from the deck, I found myself lost in thought. The breeze tousled my hair, carrying with it the delightful scent of sea salt, creating a feeling of lightness within me.

Two days ago, I departed from Ottawa City to travel to Bytrans City. Initially, I had been waiting for a plane, but as it turned out, the ship was the only option available for our journey.

Feeling the chill in the air, I hugged myself for warmth. Suddenly, I felt an arm around my waist, and as I closed my eyes, I recognized the familiar scent of the person behind me. It was the person I were deeply in love with.

"Hey," he said, drawing my attention, but I remained silent, leaning back into his embrace.

"What were you thinking?" he inquired gently.

With a sigh, I let go of him and turned around to face him. I saw Shawn's unchanged face, which had become even more attractive after the conflict. He was dressed impeccably, and his slightly unkempt hair only added to his appeal. His red lips and sharp nose, coupled with a cool vibe, made my heart melt.

After the battle, there had been a bloodbath, and I underwent an experiment that granted my unique abilities. However, this came with a price, as I knew I would progressively lose my memories due to the experiment's effects. Despite this, I had no choice but to endure it and cherish the time I had with Shawn, making new memories together that he would never forget.

"I believe another crisis is on the horizon, and I can't help but worry about how it might affect us," I responded.

He groaned softly and gently rubbed his hands over my cheeks. As our eyes met, it was evident that he shared my concerns about the impending situation. I felt guilty for dragging him into this mess and uncertain about how to ensure his safety.

"I'm right here with you. We're doing our best to support you. You won't have to face this battle alone, and you know how much I care about you. I can't just leave someone I care about to fight alone," he assured me. I averted my gaze, unsure of how to respond. He slowly withdrew his hand from my face and let it rest.

Turning away from him once more, we both gazed at the breathtaking sunset together. We had already seen several houses in the area, confirming that we had indeed arrived in Bytrans City. The vast forests surrounding the city highlighted the enormity of its land.

I couldn't help but think that if we had taken a plane, we could have arrived in less than a day. Mr. Shione's literature about our destination was with us, but I hadn't had a chance to read it yet, leaving me uncertain about where to start. Before we could embark on our quest to find my brother, we needed to find a new home and settle in.

"Why don't you go back to our room and get some rest?" Shawn suggested, though we were already in the same room. Unaware of his attempt to entice me, I appreciated his concern and the debt of gratitude I owed him.

"Alright," I replied, nodding in agreement.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, guiding me back to our chamber. The ocean's chill still lingered, so I found myself leaning into Shawn's body to keep warm.

Once inside, I immediately laid down on the bed. The accommodations on the ship were similar to those in Ottawa City and seemed to be in good condition. A picture of their ship's insignia, a black hat, adorned a plain white wall. The bed was comfortable and had a pleasant scent, spacious enough to accommodate up to three people. There was a private bathroom, which I appreciated, as Shawn had likely thought of making me feel more at ease amidst the turmoil. He always showed such care, and all I wished for was the chaos to subside so we could find out what was truly going on.

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