Chapter 34: The Quest For Shawn

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Nisha's Point of View

Mom and Dylan left my house secretly, and it's essential that no one knows my location. Dylan understands that we don't have much time to catch up with everything. Maybe someday, if I get the chance, we can reconnect.

To get information, I invited FEP01, the advanced robot I successfully created, to my office. I asked her about the address saved by my mother. FEP01 is like a human, emotionless but highly capable of helping with anything you want to achieve. She can accept information from our minds without us needing to speak about it, and it won't be erased unless she gets damaged, which worries me.

When FEP01 inputted the location into my computer, I hesitated to search for it on my advanced map. Bytrans City's locations are usually not accessible unless you have advanced technology, and luckily, I have everything I need inside this house or in my office. I hope that nothing goes wrong because I value the privacy and safety that this place provides.

Ephemeral Abyss of Bytrans

In the Ephemeral Abyss of Bytrans, I hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to take the risk. Since I'm already here, I figured it's best to start the search.

I opened my folder and found the advanced map of Bytrans City, a tool that grants access to search anywhere in the area. I encrypted the password and codes to ensure security before successfully gaining entry. Nervously, I clicked the search bar and typed in the exact location where Shawn and Mom lived.

As the map started loading, worry enveloped me as I realized my Mom and Shawn were in the same place. I couldn't risk putting her life on the line just because of Shawn's involvement. I knew I had to handle this alone.

Finally, a beep from my computer indicated that the search was complete, and an image of the location appeared on the screen. I had mixed feelings about the advanced map's ability to make sense of the place as if I were there in person.

With a heavy sigh, I acknowledged that I had no other choice but to rely on this system. I clicked the "explore" option on the screen, and it led me inside the virtual representation of the place, offering me the opportunity to feel the surroundings. The anticipation and tension only grew as I delved deeper into the virtual world.

Stepping onto the Ephemeral Abyss sent an unsettling chill down my spine, and the eerie silence weighed heavily upon me, shrouded in dense fog that obscured the secrets of this mysterious place.

The abandoned buildings stood like ancient sentinels, bearing witness to the town's once-thriving existence, now lost in the passage of time. The decaying facades exuded a haunting presence that added to the eerie atmosphere. With each step, I cautiously treaded through overgrown streets, where fallen leaves and moss-covered stones muffled my footsteps.

As I delved deeper into the heart of the town, a sense of being watched overwhelmed me, and elusive shadows seemed to dance at the corners of my vision, playing tricks on my mind. My nerves were on edge, and I anxiously scanned my surroundings for any sign of movement.

Despite the unsettling ambiance, I persevered, retracing the footsteps of those who once called this place home. I searched every nook and cranny, hoping to find a clue that would lead me closer to my target - a house that might reveal the answers I sought.

The air grew thicker, almost suffocating, as if the very essence of Ephemeral Abyss was challenging my determination to uncover the truth. But I pressed on, fueled by a mix of fear and determination, unwilling to abandon my pursuit.

Finally, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted an abandoned house standing like a lone sentinel. The structure's windows were boarded up, and its walls bore the scars of time with faded and peeling paint. The sight sent shivers down my spine, knowing that within those decaying walls might lie the key to unlocking the mysteries of this forsaken place.

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