Chapter:07 Pt.1

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"Hey Ana. Where do you want me to put this box at?"

"What does it say on the box?"

"Uh... bedroom."

"Then obviously it goes into the kitchen Yu-Kwon." I said walking into the kitchen of my new apartment.

"But it says bedroom." Jihoon said as he walked in with more boxes and Ji-Goo trailing behind him. "Yeah but I heard plates and cups rattling in there." I said tapping the box. I opened it up and pulled out plates placing them in the cabinets.They all gave me weird looks. If it weren't for the 'movers' I 'hired' it would have taken me a week to get everything into my new place.

"We're finally done." The boys said in unison crashing on the couch. I brought them some drinks and thanked them for their help.

I was in my room unpacking all my clothes and sticking them in my closet when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I smiled knowing who it was. Turning my body I wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a peck on the lips.

"Thanks for helping me out today, Jihoon."

"Of course anything for you, Jagi." He said with his deep husky voice.

"What are the boys doing?" I asked returning to my unpacking. "They fell asleep." Chuckling he sat on my bed. "Are you hungry I can order some food?" He asked and I shrugged. "You want pizza?" I smiled nodding my head "With pepperoni." I added he smiled grabbing his phone and placing the order.

30 minutes later the pizza arrived and the two sleeping boys awoke at the smell of food. We all gathered around the pie and started munching away. "Are you almost done with unpacking?" Ji-Goo asked taking a pepperoni that fell in the box. "Yupp I just have one more then I'm done." I said wiping my hands with a napkin. "Good," Yu-Kwon started "I have to get going. You need a ride Ji-Goo?" He nodded both of them standing up headed to the front door. They said their goodbyes and left leaving me with Jihoon. "So what do you wanna do?" He asked helping me clean up. "Sleep." I said while yawning. After cleaning we head to my room, change into pajamas and jump into bed. Jihoon snuggled up to me resting his head on to mine. "Are you gonna be okay when I leave tomorrow?" With my eyes closed I answered with a tired yes. "Call me -yawns- if you need anything." He says then we both fell asleep.

I woke up to the grey gloomy sky. I turned to my side to face an empty spot next to me. I sigh and sit up. "Why does it have to rain." Moving off the bed I walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower. After I was finished I walk to my closet and changed into a pair of dark blue jeans and a sleeveless pastel pink button up shirt leaving my now short hair down. I walked into my kitchen and poured myself some coffee that was already made. I'm guessing by Jihoon. I looked up at the clock noticing it was almost 10 I made my way to the front door and slipped on a pair of white flats and a white long sleeve cardigan with an umbrella in hand.

Sitting in a taxi my mind starts to wander while staring out the window. Not realizing the car had stopped the driver clears his throat to grab my attention. I apologize and pay him. Opening my umbrella I walk down a dirt path stopping at a row of headstones. Stopping in front of the fifth one I wipe some of the mud that was on the edge.

"Hi Mom." I said smiling.

"I can't believe its been 2 years already."


I sat in the hospital holding my mothers hand as she laid in the bed unconscious. She had tubes all around her and a machine that helped her breathing. The beeping from the heart monitor was all that I heard. The door opened and Soengmin walked in. "Will you tell me what happened now?" He stood at the end of the bed staring at her with a heartbroken expression. "It was a hit and run, her injuries are to severe and-" He paused.

"And?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"They said it didn't look good."

"So what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked my eyes beginning to burn from tears that were forming. "The doctor said he would have the results so-"

"I don't need to hear them." I said so quietly I didn't think he would hear me. Soengmin gave me a puzzled look and moved closer. "Ana"

"She's gone I know she is."

"You don't know that."

"YES I DO! IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME I'VE SAT IN A HOSPITAL ROOM WAITING FOR TO REGAIN CONSCIOUSNESS!?" He looked at me surprised but I ignored it and continued lowing my voice.

"When my dad left she took it pretty hard. I'm not really sure why he was a lousy father and an even lousy husband." My tears started falling. "I got called out of school a lot. I would wait next to her holding her hand waiting for to wake up." I wiped my face with my free hand. "Even when unconscious she always held it back to tell me that she's okay. But now... now she..."

I was interrupted when my phone began to ring. I let go of her hand and pulled it out and looked at the screen.

Jihoon's name displayed on the screen. I hesitated to answer but Soengmin told me to answer it saying I needed to get some fresh air. By the time I got out to a little garden in back of the hospital my phone stopped ringing. I decided to call him back.

After a couple of rings I heard a shuffling noise and then a little girls voice rang through my ears.

"Is this Oppa's new girlfriend?"


"Nina!" I heard a deep voiced shout in the background followed by a rustling sound as they are fighting over the phone. "Uh hey Ana don't listen to her, okay?"

"Uh yeah..." I said sitting in a bench looking at the flowers. "I wanted to say sorry about yesterday, you know in last period."

"Oh... it's okay." I said quietly.

"What's wrong?"


"Your lying. Are you okay? And why weren't you in school today?" I don't know why but I wanted to tell him everything that's going on right then. But it would be weird we barely know each other. "Ana?" I sighed and began to spoke. "My mom... she's in the hospital."

He was silent for a moment. "Is she okay?" He asked concern in his voice. I was on the verge of crying again. "Uhm I have to go." I said quickly hanging up.

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