Chapter:36 Pt.2

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"What time is your dad getting here~" Jaehyo whined. I shrugged my shoulders. It was already 10 in the morning. Everyone had gotten here an hour earlier. Everyone except for Mika.

"Taeil." I called out quietly. He walked up to the bed. I made a gesture with my hand telling him to come closer. "Later we're going somewhere." He creased his brows.

A nurse walked into the room holding a clip board. "Ana your dad called and said he won't be able to make it."

Kyung and Jaehyo groaned loudly, crossing their arms over their chests.

"Oh okay. Then I guess I'll just go home."

"I'll go get your release papers and tell Dr.Kim you're getting discharged. He probably has to tell you some things about your cast." She walked out the room.

"Ready to go home?" Hara asked.

"So ready."

Dr.Kim walked into the room carrying a pair of crutches. "Okay Ana. I'm hoping you know what to do when you have a cast."

I gave a curt nod. "Don't get it wet or dirty. If my foot starts to swell elevate my leg."

He smiled. "That's pretty much the basics. Now, you've been on a low dosage of pain killers. I'm gonna up it. Take the pill whenever you feel like you can't bare the pain. Don't drink alcohol or mix it with any other medications. Your leg should heal in about 5 to 6 months. I've made an appointment for you in about 2 months. Okay?"

I gave two thumbs up. "Cool. When do I come back to work?"

Everyone all groaned. "You have a broken leg Ana. Stop worrying about work." Yu-Kwon said shaking his head.

"He's right. You won't be coming back until after your leg fully heals." Dr.Kim laughed.

"What the hell am I supposed to do for 6 months?"

"If you want you can come by the café and hang out." Minhyuk suggested. "I know some of our regulars miss you." He added.

"I guess it's better than nothing."

"That's the spirit." Hara said happily. "It'll be just like old times."

"Okay, well I'll leave you to get ready. I'll have Jihoon bring a wheel chair over so your boyfriend here can take you home." The doctor smirked handing Yu-Kwon my release papers and then walked out the room.

"Here." Kyung placed a plastic bag on my lap. "Get changed quickly so we can go home and I can start drawing on your cast."

"No! I wanna be the first to write on her leg!" Jaehyo exclaimed as everyone started out the room.

"We'll see you later okay? I still have things to set up at the café." Minhyuk said planting a kiss on my temple.

Zico swatted his face away, earning him a glare. "Go kiss your own girlfriend."

"We still have to go Christmas shopping Ana! Only a week left." Yu-Kwon said walking out the door followed by Hara and Minhyuk.

"I'll call you later. Okay Taeil?" He nodded and followed everyone else.

"How did Kyung get my clothes?" I asked looking a Zico suspiciously.

He looked down at the floor, scratching his cheek. "I brought some of your clothes to my place."

My brows shot up in surprise. That's not the answer I was expecting. So I'll be living at his house for.... 6 months?

"What?" He asked looking at me weird.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now