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"I uh.. I li-"

"Is this a bad time?" I look to the source of the voice and see Jiseok standing in her doorway. He stared at us with an eyebrow raised, his hands in his pockets and leaning on the doorframe.

"Taewoon I got the internship!" Diana said happily. A smile spread across his face and he moved into the room. Diana moved to her feet, I hold my hands out in case she falls. When Jiseok was close enough to the bed she jumped, wrapping her arms around his neck. He holds on to her waist and carries her out the room.

"Is that considered a cock block?" I quietly asked myself.

Walking out her room, I trudged down the hall and into the living room. Kyung was in the kitchen with Diana and Jiseok, leaving me to pout in the room alone.

"You like Unnie, don't you?" Nina asks sitting on the couch next to me, with her folder and a pencil in hand.

"How would you know?" I asked tiredly resting my head against the back of the couch and closing my eyes. She poked my side with her pencil, making me look down at her. Tapping a paper with the end of the pencil she asks for help.

"What is this?" I asked taking a closer look at the paper.


"Okay. What's 2×5?" I asked pointing to the problem. She thinks for a few seconds, then writes down a 10 in small hand writing. "Right. Now, what's 3×3?" She quickly writes down a 6 before erasing it. Counting three fingers three times, she writes down a 9.

"It's the way you look at her." Nina suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" I asked lifting my head up a little. She kept her gaze down at the math sheet, doodling on the inside of her folder.

"The way you look at her. It's the same way Appa looks at Umma, before he says he loves her." A smile appears on her face, her small dark brown eyes growing smaller. "That's the way you look at her," She stayed quiet for a second, her doodlimg coming to a stop. "Oppa didn't look at her like that. He looked her like... she was his possession." I looked at her surprised.

"Possession?" I asked quietly.

She nodded looking up at me. "That's how I know you like her." She finished off her work sheet, then closed her folder.

"Are you sure your eight?" I asked looking at her in amazement.

"Eight and a half." She said matter of factly.

Jumping off the couch she puts her things in her backpack and zippers it up. Pausing for a moment she looks up at me and smiles slightly.

"They way she looks at you," She paused again. "The same way Umma looks at Appa. But different then the way she looked at Oppa." Walking to hall, the sound of a door closing could be heard.

"What the hell?" I asked questioning the conversation I just had. Sitting there in disbelief Diana walks in and jumps on the couch next to me, startling me out of my thought.

"Whoa there." She said putting her hands up in surrender. "I just wanted asked if you were gonna stay for dinner?"

I nodded slowly looking at her. She tilted her head to the side and stared at me with a look of amusement and confusion. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

Taewoon's POV

Opening the door to Dianas apartment I step in and notice two pairs of male shoes. Slipping mine off I walk down the hall and spot Kyung on the couch. He looks up at me surprised.

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