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"Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!" Kyung chanted loudly, tumbling down the stairs. He ran into the kitchen where I was sitting at the island, my head on top, a pounding headache that got worse the longer Kyung spoke. "Morning Ana, how was your New Year?"

"Fine." I groaned as I sat up. Kyung already had the frying pan and butter out, then pulled out a large mixing bowl and the pancake mix. "How was yours? You went to Je-Ju Island right?"

He nodded smiling widely. "You'd love it. The ocean is right there."

"Of course, it's an island." I say blanky. "What kind of pancakes are you making?"

"Uh, circular?" He said unsure and poured all the ingredients into the bowl.

"Can you make chocolate chip?" I asked, jutting out my bottom lip and batting my lashes.

He looked at me from over his shoulder and smirked. "You're being awfully cute today."

"What?" I asked in a tired voice.

"You've been acting cute lately, you never acted like that before, especially not in highschool," Kyung turned his whole body towards me, one hand held the bowl while the other mixed. "Well you did, but, you didn't realize it."

"When were we ever in the same high school?" Crossing my arms and sitting back in my seat, I look at him skeptically.

"Well, at the time I was in my senior year and you had just arrived," Kyung quietly spoke to himself while pouring some mix onto a sizzling pan. He then went to the refrigerator and took out a bag of chocolate chips. "I only really noticed you because you were kinda hot."

My hand flew to my face and a small laugh left my lips. "And I guess it was because you hung out with Yu-kwon alot." He shrugged. "You were kinda scary most of the time."

"Excuse me?"

"The second you came to that school, your name was already known. All the guys thought you were beautiful and the girls despised you." He said with a small smile on his face and flipped one of the three current pancakes cooking. "I remember the first time I saw you. You were walking down the hallway and had this, like, hostile look on your face," My brows rose in amusement. "As if you wanted to rip somebody's head off, then you walked into your class and when I looked through the door to get a better look," He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to continue. Kyung laughed lightly. "You were fast asleep at your desk."

"Wow, that... sounds just like me." I exasperated slightly. "What about Jiho?"

Kyung stayed quiet, dropping a handful of chips into the unused batter. "He didn't really notice a lot of things then." A knot in my stomach formed when he said that. Why did it hurt to hear him say it? "He had a girlfriend."

"And, how long were they together?" I asked hoping for a simple answer. Of course Zico would have a girlfriend in highschool. But knowing there was someone before me just made the knot in my stomach worse.

"Four years." Kyung said quietly, placing the finished pancakes on a plate. "They broke up before graduation."

"Four years, huh?" My mood saddened.

"If it makes you feel any better," Kyung placed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with extra chips on top in front of me. "I like you alot better then her. She was too into herself, never really cared for anyone else."

"Actually, I do feel better." At that moment the tired looking blonde trudged into the room, he fixed his bed hair while rubbing his eye and yawned.

"Are those pancakes?" Zico asked, his voice hoarse. Kyung nodded, grabbing another plate and setting it on the island. "Why does she get chocolate chips in hers?" He took a seat next to me.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now