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Ana's POV

I sighed when I walked into my room after taking a shower. Zico was fast asleep on my bed, his right hand rested on his stomach under his shirt while the other was stretched out in the empty space next to him. Light snores escaped his lips. He was wearing plaid pajama pants and a plain tee. I wore pajama shorts and a tank.

"So you came prepared?" I asked his sleeping figure as I moved into my room. After drying my hair I hang the towel over my closet door. I walk up to the bed and slowly get on it. Resting on my knees, I lean in closer to Zico and poke his cheek. Still asleep he moved his face away from my finger and a displeased look fell on his face. Sitting on my butt I bring my knees to my chest and take in his features. From his disheveled blonde hair to his plump pink lips. My heart starts racing, I take a deep breath to try and calm myself. My eyes travel down to his collar bone and down to the visible skin from his hand being up his shirt.

"I wonder..." Slowly and carefully I lift up his shirt and peek under. His hand covered his toned abs and a tattoo could be seen on his chest. Dropping his shirt I carefully pull down his collar to show the tattoo on his chest. It was a women on his left and running down from his right collar bone was a name.

"John the Apostle?" I asked myself. He began to stir in his sleep and I quickly let go of his shirt. Now laying on his side, light snores began to move from his lips again. I sighed in relief and moved his arm that was resting on my pillow only to have him throw it back.

"Fine don't complain in the morning." After trying to remove his arm a few more times I give up and leave it there. It was already 1:20 in the morning and I had to be up by 7. Resting my head on his arm I pull the blanket up to my chin and over his shoulders. His breath kept hitting the top of my head and his right arm found its way around my waist.

"I'm not a body pillow." I deadpanned. He suddenly pulled me into his chest, the arm I was resting on now held my shoulders and his right hand rubbed the small of my back.

"Go to sleep you have to get up early." He said his eyes still closed. It started getting hot and I put my hand on his chest.

"How can I when you have me trapped." I looked up at his face, a smile appearing on his face.

"You know, when you realize your feelings for me, we're gonna being doing this a lot more often," He paused to yawn. "So you're gonna have to get used to it."

"What makes you think my feelings for you are gonna grow anymore then they have?" I said staring up at him. His smile became wider and he pulled me closer to him then buried his face in my hair.

"Because you haven't pushed me away yet and" He paused. "You basically just confessed your feelings to me." I blinked a few times and thought about what I just said. My cheeks heat up and my heart starts racing again.

"I-I have no i-idea what you're t-talking about." I stuttered and wriggled out of his grip. Turning to face the other direction, he chuckles. "Why are you sleeping in my bed anyway? My couch is free. Or you know your own bed at your place."

His arms wrap around me again and pulls me so my back is touching he chest. "I'm protecting you." I roll my eyes as a small smile plays on my lips.

Taeil's POV

"Morning!" We were greeted when we walked through the café doors.

"Hyung, why are we here so early in the morning?" Yu-Kwon asks rubbing his eyes.

"I just want to check on something..." I trailed off when I spotted Mika handing a customer their order. She was pale and had bags under her red puffy eyes. When she turned and noticed us her gaze fell right to the floor. She kept her head down, moving past us and went behind the counter where Hara was.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now