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"You think he'll be happy to see me? What if he doesn't recognize me anymore? Oh my god it's Christmas and I didn't get him anything! I have to go-"

"Mika calm down." Taeil said resting his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sure your brother will be more then happy to see you. And just being with you on Christmas is what he's probably been waiting for. Don't be so nervous." He cupped her cheeks and planted a quick kiss on her lips. Pulling back he gives a reassuring smile, his small eyes disappearing.

"You didn't have to stay you know. It's really late." She said resting her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and swayed side to side.

"I wanted to be here for you." Taeil kissed the top of her head.

The door creaked open letting bright light enter the dim room. Jihoon stood there with Riku in front of him.

"Mika!" Riku ran towards her, arms open and a huge smile on his face. Mika knelt down to scoop up her little brother the second he came into her arms. She hugged him tight, tears streaming down her face.

"Look at you. You've gotten taller." Mika said examining him. Riku smiled at her, wiping the tears from her face. When he looked over her shoulder, his eyes widened.

"Mika why is the stupid grandpa here?" She tilted her head, bewildered, and turned around to Taeil.

"So we meet again. I knew you looked familiar." Taeil said walking up to Riku and kneeling down next to Mika. "You look just like your sister."

"How did you guys meet?" She asked looking between the two.

"Yeah," Taeil sucked in a breath. "He bumped into me last week, called me stupid grandpa and kicked me in the leg."


"I escaped from Sanwoo then he got in my way." Riku said glaring at Taeil.

Mika grabbed his chin and made him look at her. "Why didn't you ask for help?" He looked down, his bottom lip quivering. "I was scared he would get me again." Riku threw his arms around her neck. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not your fault." She gave him a tight squeeze. "This was never your fault, okay?"

Riku stepped back and nodded. "The girl that was with me said she knew you. Is she here too? I wanna see her."

"You can see her in the morning. I think it's time you two get some sleep." Taeil said standing up with Mika. She nodded, reaching her hand out for Riku to grab.

Jihoon stood by the door. Watching as Mika is reunited with her younger brother. He had missed Nina. Weeks went by and he hasn't heard a word from her or his parents. This holiday was always their favorite, gifts, decorations, cookies it all made them happy.

He walked away from the room and started down the hall. His thoughts were all of his sister.

Where was she?

Was she thinking of him?

Did she miss him?

Did she forgive him?

Jihoon sighed as he pushed the door to the break room open. Taking a seat at the table, his phone began to ring. Sliding it out his pocket, the number was one he didn't recognize. He let it go to voicemail and place his phone on top the table.

Leaning back and stretching, his phone starts ringing again. It was the same number. Hesitant he picks it up, running his finger across the screen and putting it up to his ear.

"Oppa!" The voice of a young girl shouted on the other line. He pulled the phone away and checked the number again. Putting the phone back to his ear, the voice continued talking. "And even though it's called the big apple, there is no big apple. Trust me I searched everywhere for it."

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