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Walking back into my apartment, after getting my mail from the lobby. I mainly had bills, bills, and more bills, so I didn't really search through them all.

"Hey! Why are you still asleep!?" I yell at the sleeping lump on my couch. It was almost noon and he's been in the same position since I got up. Dropping the mail on the coffee table I stand next to him.

Poking his cheek he swats my hand away. Still with his eyes closed I poke him again, but ended up with the same result. Heading to the freezer, I open it and pull out an ice tray. Walking back to the couch I place several ice cubes on his bare chest.

"What the hell!?" He shouts.

He jumps up from the shock and rubs his chest. Standing in front of him he glares at me. I grinned and waved my hand.

"Morning sunshine. Would you like something to eat?" He gives a long sigh and stands up. Stretching his arms in the air they land on my shoulders.

"Are you going to cook for me?" He asks in a sleepy voice. I drop my grin and stare at him with a straight expression. He stares back at me with a smirk.

"No. I'm not cooking for you." I said pushing his arms off me and walking to my bedroom.

"Then how am I going to be fed~" He whined following behind me.

"I was going to go out and eat. Would you like to join me?" A smile grows on his face. He runs out the room, a few seconds later out the front door.

I change into a pair of dark blue denim shorts, a white tank and over that a thin pink sweater. Slipping on a pair of white thigh high socks, I grab my bag and walk into the living room. I fashioned my hair into a loose pony tail. Shoving my phone in my pocket I head to the front door.

As I put on my brown UGG boots my door knob starts to move. Taewoon steps in wearing a white sweater with green stripes, dark blue denim jeans and his white Nikes. His dark hair a little messy. In this simple outfit he looked cute.

"You ready?" I asked as I walked out the door. Three figures stood in front of me when I stepped into the hallway.

"So were you the drunken weirdo that took Taewoons bed last night?" I asked the tall dark haired boy. He smiles at me and shakes his head. "He's still fast asleep." Jungwoo says.

"Diana~ Your face is looking better." Sungmin says coming up to me and putting an arm over my shoulder leading me to the elevator.

"So where are we going to eat?" Jungwoo asks walking up beside us.

Sitting in a booth of a little family
owned restaurant just a few blocks from our apartment I look to the boy I have yet to know the name of. I stare at his face looking at every feature. He looked liked the love child of an idol or something. His hair was black and shaved on the sides. He was was wearing a plan white tee with black fitted jeans and a gray hoodie.

"Diana. Stop staring." Taewoon snaps his fingers in front of me. "Maybe you should get checked out by a doctor."

"I don't need to get checked out. I'm fine." I pouted. I look to the boy again and saw he was chuckling. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Minho. But you can call me Mino." He says, his deep voice surprising me.

"Diana. Are you a friend of Zico too? " His eyes widened and he stares at me. "What? Did I say something weird?"

"No.. it's just," he starts to laugh "When he said that you were different then other girls he wasn't lying."

"Who said that? Was it this lazy lump here?" I asked pointimg my thumb towards Taewoon. He furrows his brows and pouts. Mino laughed again and shook his head.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now