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Wiping down some of the tables I looked to see Zicos' brother still sitting in a booth. It's been about an hour since he finished his muffin and his iced tea. He looked up from his phone and gave a small smile. I smirked narrowing my eyes at him. He just simply chuckled. I rolled my eyes and continued wiping the tables. I looked at him again. His facial features were softer than his brothers but he looked so much like Zico. Or rather Zico looks like him since I'm guessing he is the younger brother.

"Are you done yet?" I jumped when a voice came from the side of me. I turned and there he was standing next to me. "Where the hell did you come from!?" He pouted. "You were the one that walked up to the booth and just stood there staring at me." I blinked a few times. I looked behind me and on the table was the cloth I was cleaning with. So embarrassing. Looking back at him he smiles.

The front door bell rang. We both look to see...


The three of us were sitting out front on the patio. "Taewoon. So that's your name." He nodded with a grin on his face and a tint of red on his cheeks. "And your Diana." I giggled also nodding.

"Minhyuk how long have you known him. I mean you two look pretty close." He took a sip of his drink. "I've known him since we were kids. In fact him and his brother were my neighbors back in the day." I was surprised by that. Now that I think about it I don't really know how old he is. And I've worked for him for about 3 and a half years now.

"She seems to have a staring problem." Taewoon whispered to Minhyuk but loud enough that I could here it. I shot him a glare. They bursted out laughing causing me to join them soon after. "So wait, how old are you anyway?" Minhyuk looked at me hurt. "How do you not know how old I am? You bought a birthday gift for me last year." He said sadly. I held in my laugh. "I'm forgetful."

"So who's older?" I asked looking between them. Taewoon raised his hand as Minhyuk pointed to him as well. "But only by a couple months." He added. "And your older than Zico too right?" He nodded then stuck up 2 fingers. "By 2 years huh?"

Taewoon's POV

She fell silent. I looked at her a sad expression on her face. Seeing her like that hurt. Was she really just a friend to Jiho? Why did he suddenly stop talking to her? What if he never went to Japan?

My phone began to go off. I pulled it out and answered it.

"Where are you!?" The voice shouted. I guess it was loud enough that Diana and Minhyuk both looked over at me. "I'm on my way back to the apartment."

"Well hurry up!" Is all that was said before the line went dead. "Jungwoo?" Minhyuk asked. I simply nodded. "Is that the boy you were with earlier?" She asked. "One of them yes."

I stood up from my seat. "Can I see your phone?" She looked at me puzzled but handed it to me. Her background was of her and three other boys. One I recognized, Yu-Kwon. "Here I put my number in it." She raised an eyebrow. "What made you think I wanted your number?" Crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat she giggled. Damn her giggles make my heart weak. "Call me and I tell you what's up with my brother." When I said this she nodded a smile appearing on her face.

"You said you were going to meet up with us for lunch." Sungmin whined when I entered the apartment. I laughed and sat on the couch.

"So did you find that girl?" Jungwoo asked walking into the living room. I smiled at the thought of her hazel eyes, button nose, and cute lips. The way her light short brown hair swayed when ever she moved. "I take that as a yes." He declared looking at me weird.

"Hey did you guys know we have a new neighbor?" Sungmin asked sitting between us on the couch. "So that was what that noise was yeaterday. Did you see them yet?" He shook his head.

"We'll greet them later."

Ana's POV

It was time to close up the café. Hara left early so it was just me and Minhyuk. We were stacking up chairs and cleaning the booths. "You ready to go?" He asked as he stacked the last chair. I nodded. I waited for him to grab a drink then lock the doors and we walked to the bus stop. Waiting for the bus to arrive we sit, watching the cars go by. "So how's your new apartment?" He asked. "It's nice. It's spacious, the kitchen is upgraded, the bathroom too, the view is nice."

"How many rooms?"

I held up two fingers. He nodded and open his bottle of water taking a gulp. "So when are you going to tell Hara you like her?" He choked on the water causing his face to turn bright red. I patted him on the back and waited for him to catch his breath.

"What-- are you-- talking about?" He said between breaths. "Oh come on Minhyuk. You think I don't see how you strare at her?" He furrowed his eyebrows trying to keep calm. "I don't like her." I gave him a skeptical look. The bus pulled up and we got on sitting in the back. "You know I might not have known you as long as her but, I do think of you as a brother." He looked at me his gaze soft. A warm smile on his face. "And your my little sister." Putting an arm around my shoulders he gives me a kiss on the top of my head.

"So, you want me to talk to her for you?"

"No it's okay I'll talk to-" He stopped and looked at me wide eyed.

Sungmin's POV

"Why did I have to go grocery shopping by myself?" I said to myself as I entered my apartment building. Carrying 6 bags is a lot of work. 'This what I get for moving in with two bottomless pits.'

"Can you hold the elevator!?" I yelled to the girl walking into it. Walking as fast as I could I make in time before the doors closed. I set the bags down and lean back against the wall.

I look up and see the same girl earlier today. "Your that girl from the park!" I yelled causing her to jump.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah your the girl Taewoon Hyung ran after." She raised her eyebrows. 'Maybe she didn't know that.'

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that." I thought out loud. She continued to stare at me as if I was a weirdo. "Did I say that out loud?" She nodded. The elevator stopped and she walked out. I looked at the floor and realised it was my floor as well. I quickly grabbed my bags and started down the hallway.

The girl stopped in front of a door that was next to mine. I watched as she entered her home. Knocking on our door Jungwoo Hyung opened it. Pushing all the bags into his arm I quickly make my way to Taewoon hyung.

"Your never going to believe who our new neighbor is!"

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