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Zico's POV

Music blaring through the whole room. Girls dancing on the bar and tables. Guys getting into drunken fights. I downed my 6th shot of patrón. Looking into the crowd of people I was searching for someone.

Someone who I hadn't seen in years.

Someone who I cared for.

Someone who I've missed.

Someone who I lo-

I was interrupted by a girl who bumped into me spilling her drink on both of us. She looked up me. Her face was round, her eyes light and big, lips small and plump. Long brown hair covered her shoulders and reached the middle of her back.

'She looks like her.'

She wore a tight white dress that had one long sleeve. She was up to my chin but with out the heels maybe my chest.

"I'm sorry!" She yelled through the loud music. I turned to leave and go back to my apartment when I felt something tugging on my hand. The girl pulled me to the backroom where it was a lot quieter. "I didn't watch where I was going. I'm sorry." She slurred.

"It's fine."

"Here let me help you." She said reaching out to take my shirt off.

"It's fine. I need to go home anyway." I said moving her hands away and turning around. Again I was pulled and when I faced the girl her lips crashed onto mine. She put her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her body. I kissed back placing my hands on her waist. Diana ran through my head.

Would she be upset if she found out I was doing this?

It didn't matter she had Jihoon.

The things they probably did when they were alone.

I grabbed the girls hand leading her out the club. When we reached my apartment I pushed her up against a wall. Wrapping her legs around my waist I kiss down her neck to her collarbone. I carried her to my room. Laying down on the bed she straddled me. She kissed my neck biting down on my collarbone leaving a big mark. Pulling off our clothes I hover over her my thrusts slow and hard.


I woke up the next morning to a blinding light. Covering my face with my blanket I try to go back to sleep. The door to my bedroom bursts open and Kyung storms in. He moved to Japan with me since he didn't have anywhere else to go.

"Wake your ass up!" He yelled pulling my blanket off of me.

"Oh my god! What the hell!?" He yelled throwing the blanket back on me. "Why can't you put on some underwear after banging?" I got up from the bed and put on a pair sweatpants. With my eyes still closed I punched him in the arm and fall on to my bed again.

"Get up it's almost 1 in the afternoon." I groaned and lifted my head. "We have to start packing. We leave in 3 days." He said walking out.

"Oh! And your friend from last night ate all our food!"

Ana's POV

Tossing and turning in my bed I swing my arm and smack something hard. I jolted up looking at the sleeping figure. My hand was on his face. Removing it there was a big red mark. Sitting up on my knees I rub my eyes.

"Taewoon?" Squinting I move closer to his face.

He suddenly he sits up and our lips touch. Our eyes open wide. Moving back a little too fast I fall off the bed, my back hitting the floor and my legs resting on the edge. Taewoon pokes his head from above.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now