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I checked myself over in the window of my car. Fixing my shirt I check my hair and make-up in the side mirror. I wore a high waisted, three tiered cream colored skirt with a pastel blue fitted longed sleeved crop top, a small section of skin showing. A pair of dark sheer stockings and a pair of brown, laced wedge boots. My make-up was light only having mascara and eyeliner on. The wind blew my wavy hair, I pulled it up in loose ponytail.

My nerves were on edge, palms clamy and heart racing I take one last glance in the window.

"What is wrong with me!?" I shouted, causing people to stare at me weirdly. "He might not be even confessing to me. Yu-Kwon might not have been talking about Jiho, maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions."

Clutching my shoulder bag, I began walking towards the park Zico told me to meet him at. There were a few people walking around, taking in the view of the trees. The park was big, having four cobble stoned paths all meeting in the middle of the park. An old looking cheery blossom tree was in the center, it was the middle of November and most of the branches were bare.

"Diana!" My name was called out. I turned my head to see Zico walking up to me, a white paper bag and bubble tea in his left hand and a hot chocolate in the right. He was wearing a black leather jacket that had grey fleece sleeves and hood. His pants were a dark blue and fitted. He wore a pair of black combat boots and on his head was a black cap, the bill facing the back of his head.

"Hey." I said nervously. He handed me the hot chocolate then grabbed my free hand, gently pulling me along with him. Walking a few steps behind, I keep my gaze in front of me, too nervous to look up at him.

"You know it's November, right?" He asked, looking me up and down. I looked at my outfit then at him, and nod. "Your gonna get sick." I playfully roll my eyes at him, a little smirk tugging at my lips.

"You sound just like Nina."

"That might not be a bad thing." He quietly said taking a sip of his bubble tea.

We walked to a little picnic area, sitting at a table with the bright sun hitting us, he puts the white bag on top. He sits down next to me and opens the bag.

"What's in the bag?" I asked trying to peak inside.

"Something your gonna love." He said smirking and reaching into the bag.

"Is it a Minion?"

"Better!" He said smiling, placing napkins on the table.

He placed three delicious looking donuts on the napkins. One was boston cream, while the other two were covered in powder, cream, and froot loops. My mouth began salivating the longer I stared at them.

"Which one do you want?" I looked between the boston cream and the froot loops.

Boston cream was my favorite kind of donut, but the other two had froot loops. I hadn't realized I was pouting until Zico placed his large hand on my head. He smoothed out the wrinkles on my forehead with his thumb. My cheeks started to burn and heart pounded against my chest.

"Don't do that." He said laughing.

"I can't choose."

"Well I'll take the Boston cream." He said reaching out for it. I quickly grab it and take a bite. He stares at me with wide eyes and his mouth open. Chewing the piece in my mouth I give him a cheeky grin.

"Basten creem ish mah fevorit." I said covering my mouth, with the hand that held the donut, so he couldn't see my mouth full. He starts laughing and grabs the froot loop one. Taking a big bite he takes a sip of his tea.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now