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"Diana, wake up."

"No, leave me alone."

The cozy blanket that wrapped around me was abruptly yanked off, the cold air hitting my bare legs. I curled into a ball and reached out for my blanket but couldn't find it.

"Come on Diana, wake up. It's already seven thirty."

I rolled over onto my back, stretching out and mumbled in a quiet voice. "It's seven thirty already?"

"Yeah, we were supposed to be at Jaehyo's an hour ago. My phone keeps going off."

As I sat up, his phone vibrated on the night stand multiple times. Combing my fingers through my bed head, I stretch my legs out. Zico picked up his phone in frustration and turned it off. His arms wrapped around me and he swiftly lifted me over his shoulder.

"Seriously?" I crossed my arms.

He walked us out the room and down the hall. My home phone started ringing, making Zico take a detour through the kitchen.


"Where are you guys!? You were supposed to be here hours ago!" Jaehyos' loud voice shouted over the other line.

"I know, I know. Someone had a hard time waking up." While he was talking on the phone, I grabbed at the back of his shirt and tried to pull myself free. He grabbed the waistband of my shorts and kept a tight grip. My attempt to wiggle myself from his grasp failed when he nipped at my thigh. I smacked his side lightly only making him nip at me again.

"Okay, we'll be ready." When he hung up the phone he sets me on the floor and playfully glares at me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Hurry and get dressed, Jaehyo's coming to pick us up." He said pushing me towards my bedroom.

"Fine, but I'm taking a nap in the car." Walking over to my dresser, I pull out a white wool knit sweater and a pair of black leggings.

"Why are you so tired?" Zico asked, removing his shirt and tossing it to the floor. He went into a backpack he had brought from home and pulled out a black and white striped sweater.

"I'm not tired. If I'm going to be hanging out with Jaehyo and the rest of them, I need to conserve my engery." Zico laughed, pulling up his dark jeans.

"Funny. He said the same thing about you before."

Loud car horns sounded from outside. We rushed to the window to see a large white van pull up in front of the building. Recklessy. The door opened and three familiar figures stumbled out the vehicle, one falling to the ground and hugging the snow.

"Isn't that... Hara?" Zico asked squinting.

"Yep, I can spot her from a mile away. And there's Yu-Kwon and Minhyuk violently pulling Jaehyo out the front seat." Stepping away from the window, I quickly undress from my pyjama shorts and pulled on my leggings.

"We have to hurry before they get up here." I said taking off my shirt in a rush and putting on my sweater. Running out my room and towards the front door, I slip on my brown lace up ankle boots. Zico came up behind me with my scarf and his backpack. There was a light knock on the door followed by a child like voice.

"Hey Ana! Are you ready!?" Riku shouted, excitement laced in his voice.

"It's your fiancé." Zico teased. He opened the door and a bundled up Riku came running in.

"Hi Ana." He greeted me cheerfully, a grin plastered on his face. Riku glanced towards Zico, who was smiling down at him, and made a face. "So, Ana you're ready right? Jaehyo is waiting for us downstairs."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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