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i walk out the bathroom and to my next class which is transfiguration i think. i get to class and sit down next to some girl from ravenclaw. the teacher has yet to come.

" hey did u hear about the party in the room of requirement tonight" she says to me. " oh no not really" i reply . " oh well just telling you come by if you want" she says as the teacher walks in and starts the boring lecture. I zone off and think about it and if I should go. will Malfoy be there? stop it Alexa why do u even care if he'll be there.

anyways i decide i should go what's the worst that could happen?


it's 10:00 right now and I'm jus putting on some lipstick. I look at my outfit and makeup one last time. i never look good anyways so whatever but i do like this silk slip on dress im wearing with a cardigan so i'll not beat myself up that much.

i walk out of my dorm and start walking towards the room of requirement. on the way i meet this girl named lorna. she is really pretty honestly. she has black long hair with blue eyes and like about 5'7 she must be. I'm kind of short at 5'3 not that bad doe.

i ask her if she would like to accompany me to the party like a date and she agrees which makes me happy as i wont be alone. anyways we approach the room and its filled with a lot of people from different houses. we grab 2 glasses of fire whiskey and instantly down them.

"hey you wanna dance?" she asks and i nod my head as she leads me to the middle of the dance floor and we dance like 2 idiots. while we are dancing i hold her by the waist and she cups my face.

"can i kiss you" she asks. i blush and say yes. her lips meet mine and we kind of make out there and suddenly someone bumps into me as we both trip but don't fall thankfully.

I see its pansy Parkinson. she mutters " fags " loud enough for us to hear. my blood literally boils at this I'm so tired of being judged like why cant you let people be happy. " hey just ignore her she's jus a bitch" Lorna says to calm me. " yea you're right " I say and we both sit down in a corner.

" hey why has Malfoy been staring at you" Lorna points out and i look and spot him in middle of the crowd. He looks so pretty I cant even. and yea he is staring actually. "i don't know he's pretty fucked up" I say. Though secretly inside I wanna kiss him so bad. " i know anyways I'm like really tired. see you around I had fun today" she says and smiles and leaves for her dorm. I smile back and sit there alone but then get up and walk out too.

I'm walking alone as i suddenly hear a voice behind me. I instantly draw out my wand and turn around to see... Malfoy? why is he following me?

" Malfoy i didn't take you as a creep" i joke. " I'm not Carson". " then why were you following me?" I ask. "I was bored at the party thought id annoy you" he says shrugging and we both start walking down the dark hallway.

moonlight illuminates his face. I wanna wake up to that face everyday.

" that.. girl you were with. Is she your girlfriend?" he asks not looking at me.

" No just a date to the party" I say. " So .. you're gay?" he asks. " No I'm pansexual there's a difference Malfoy" i say. " oh wait what's pansexual".

" It's like you don't care about gender you like everyone" I explain to him. " Does your mom know?" he asks me. I sigh. " no I haven't told her and I don't plan on it, she's really homophobic she'll probably kick me out if I tell her" I joke.

"well you can come live with me if they do" he laughs. "why would I wanna live with you Malfoy plus why dont you ask your girlfriend that, Tiffany lane" i reply to him. " She's not my girlfriend" he stops walking and looks at me. I stop too and look him directly in the eye.

"oh yea why was your tongue down her throat then huh in the morning?"

" It's not serious really" he says looking me back in the eyes.

His deep eyes. I wish I could freeze time and stay in this moment forever.

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now