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Ever since that moment I've been trying my best to avoid Draco it's mostly easy because our worlds are so different but potions is when we are forced to be closer than we want to and unfortunately that is where I am headed to right now with my friends.

" Quidditch practice this evening guys , don't forget we have a match against Ravenclaw tomorrow " harry reminds us as we head into the classroom and take our respective seats. He's always been passionate about quidditch so obviously if there's a match he's extra angsty. Oh and i myself am on the team too , as a chaser, so he does push me for practice but I don't mind it as it is distracting. from things.

I see Draco is already sitting in his seat and I slide in next to mine. He looks at me but turns back down to whatever he is writing in his notebook. He then passes me a note and i open it and read the words :

" are you still mad? "

I write him back.

"are you still a jerk? "

he sighs when he reads it and then he writes something else and passes me the paper.

" meet me at the astronomy tower tonight " I decide not to respond and he too shifts his focus on the lesson and I start thinking about if I should go. I mean I really do want to talk to him and hug him and be close to him but does he even want the same? What if he's calling me there to tell me we can never be together and he doesn't even like me.

Why do I always like people who i have no chance with. Why did I even think i had a chance with him he's so fucking beautiful and he's got so many better options than me but up till now I have never seen him with a partner really just short flings maybe he's afraid of someone. I break out of these thoughts and focus back on my lesson.


"He better keep in his limits or he'll see a side of my he doesn't want to" Ron says. Ginny just got asked out by dean and Ron is acting like a protective older brother more like annoying actually.

"oh please Ron no one will see that side of you because it doesn't exist " Hermione says making us all laugh and Ron just scoffs. "Anyways I will do what i want because you don't control me " Ginny tells his brother. "yes I can I'm older than you " Ron replies. " I'm going to bed you coming Hermione " Ginny says ignoring Ron completely and Hermione follows Ginny to our dorm. " You coming Alexa " Hermione asks. " Yea you guys go ".

Ron and harry also go back to their room and I'm left alone in the common room and the only noise is the crackle of the fire. I check the time and it's 12:03 and i get up. Might as well go although deep down i want to more than anything.

I start making my way to the tower and thinking about what he is gonna say. I finally reach the tower and open the door. The creaking of the door makes him divert his eyes to me and there he stands in the light of the moon. Looking like a part of the moon itself.

" Wasn't sure you would come " he says looking at me. " I wasn't sure myself " I reply and he smiles a little. " Anyway why did you call me here ". " I just wanted to talk " he says. " Oh yeah talk about what? " he walks closer to me until we're really close. "Anything " he says.

" Alexa...." He holds my face and looks straight into my eyes and all I can do is gaze back into his. He then leans forward and kisses me and I of course kiss back. He then pulls back and rests his face against mine , his nose and forehead against mine.

" This is is not talking " I say. He pulls back and looks at me, scanning my face. " You're beautiful Alexa do you know. Especially smiling. I wish I could be the reason you'd smile you know " He says and kisses me one last time and walks out the room closing the door and once again leaving me there alone and confused.


HEYYY finally an update ik ik i lose motivation like alot for some reason plus i have studies :'( anyways dont forget to vote and follow ! i appreciate everyone one of you and if you wanna talk messege me im always here <3

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