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I wave my mom goodbye as she waves me back. I peer through the window as I see her disappear into the crowd of people and a sigh leaves my mouth as I start to walk to find the compartment with my friends.

I walk through the train peering through the many corridors trying to find the one with my friends. It's the start of my 5th year and excitement is visible on my face.

I find the compartment containing Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Dean. I open the door and greet my friends and sit down next to Hermione.

" how was your summer break guys? "

We all engulf ourselves in a conversation and catch up.


We're nearly there and Ron has fallen asleep and me, Ginny and Hermione are just conversing about random stuff.

I hear the compartment door open and hear the one voice I absolutely dread. Why does he even bother coming here? " Well if it isn't the blood traitors and mud bloods " he says sneering. His goons behind him, that consist of Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson, laugh.

"Well if it isn't the bleach-headed ferret" I stand up

What is his problem, honestly? I've never heard anything nice come out of his horrid mouth.

"How dare you talk to me like that you filthy halfblood," he says in a loathsome tone. "Say that one more time and you'll regret it" Ginny stands up holding her wand. Malfoy obviously gets scared and glares at me.

" Didn't know you had friends Carson. I mean who would want to talk to a hideous face like yours" he comments and leaves with his goons following behind all laughing at his remark. I felt something ting at the bottom of my heart but I just ignored it and sat back down. " Don't listen to him Alexa. He's just blabbering as always," Hermione says.

" Yea I know I've got better things to do than listen to his bullshit"


The sorting hat sorts the final person which is a Ravenclaw and the feasts begins. Ron digs right in and eats like he hasn't eaten for 3 days. We all laugh at him and continue eating our food. I'm sitting next to Hermione and Harry and as I look up from my food I see Draco sitting on the table that is next to ours and belongs to Slytherin.

He is eating while sitting next to Blaise and pansy. Even if I hate him I have to admit he's pretty good looking but that is ruined by his snobbish personality. I had a crush on him when i joined this school but the second he opened his mouth that crush died down and I can't do anything but hate him now.

I guess I must have been staring as he looks right at me and we make eye contact. He throws me a look of disgust and I just roll my eyes and go back to my food. We talk about our summer break and last year's events until the feast is over and then we walk back to the common room. " I am really tired I'm gonna go sleep" I say yawning and head to the room I share with Hermione, Ginny and Katie . I changed into my Pajama's and get into bed and slowly drift off to sleep.


" Wake up sleepy head" Ginny shakes me vigorously as I groan. " Get up or you'll miss breakfast". I throw the blanket off my head and mutter a fine as I get off the bed and go change into my uniform. I brush my hair and apply a bit of lip-gloss and mascara and then go to the great Hall with Ginny.

" Any of you excited for any classes today? " Hermione asks as I take a piece of toast and start munching on it. " Eh not really" I say and Ginny agrees. " But I'm dreading potions and defense against the dark arts" Ron says. " Yea same" Harry says. " Wait why? I love defense against the dark arts" I say with a mouth full of toast. 

" We have it with the Slytherins dummy" Ginny says. I think I spit out half my toast and then I hear a group coming into the great Hall. Malfoy had apparently seen me spit out my food and obviously comes over to make fun of me. Again WHY DOES HE BOTHER?

" Can't keep it in your mouth Carson or still shocked at the fact your dad left you" he chuckles with his group. " Shove off Malfoy" Ron says. " Shut up weasel" he says. " You shut up Malfoy or I'll hex you till you go crying back to your mom and don't you dare say a thing about my family again" I say standing up and walking closer with every word. Until I was standing right in front of him and inches away from his face, him towering over me.

At the mention of my father, my eyes got watery and a tear slips out of my eyes and only Malfoy sees but before I broke down there I grab my backpack from the table and run away from the great Hall.

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