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5 weeks later

" Alexa get up! GET UP!" hermione shakes me awake. " Ok I am getting up" I say. I'm not a morning person and never will be. I swing my legs off the bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and hands. I brush my hair and change into my uniform. I hear a knock on the door and come out.

I leave my wavy hair open and apply some gloss and mascara and then grab my bag and fun down to the Great Hall. I slide into seat next to Ginny and start eating some pancakes. " What's our first lesson?" I ask because I don't remember as I missed yesterdays. " Transfiguration" hermione answers. " Oh"


Professor McGonagall dismisses us and we mall our way down to the dungeons for potions. Why am I not regretting it? Like I want to go. I'm sitting with malfoy for God's sake. I can tolerate him. I wish he talks to me.

Woah what the heck? Why do I want malfoy to talk to me? There is seriously something wrong with. We arrive at our classroom and go and sit in our assigned seats. I see malfoy isn't here yet.where could he be?

He then walks in alone as his "friends" were already here. He spots me and sits next to me completely ignoring my presence. I ignore him too as a few minutes later snape walks in and the lessons begins.

We didn't really talk that much the whole lesson. We had to take notes of this potion and malfoy dropped his quill in between. He went down to pick it up and his shoulder brushed against my this and holy shit. I felt something. I felt tingly and it was weird. What is happening to me?

He then sits back up straight and I ignore the scene that just unfolded. I glance at his paper he only has written the name of the potion and nothing else. What is this boy doing? I mentally facepalm myself. Whatever it's his problem. Why do I even care if he fails or not .

The class ends and we both go to our next classes. As I walk away from him I feel something in my heart . It's like pulling me to him and not wanting to be away from him. Whatever I'm high.


I hear his voice and his followers entering the great Hall. His eyes land on me and he starts walking towards where we're sitting. Oh God. My heart starts beating fast and the reason I don't even know.

" See you've gotten A Bit fatter over the holidays" he says to me as he laughs with his goons. "Shut up malfoy" I stand up and face him. " I won't what can you do huh Carson?" He says. " A lot you ferret" I say as Harry and Ron chuckle behind me. And I smile. "So run along and go cry to your mom and dad. Don't bother me. Bitch" I mutter the last part but he heard it. " Don't you dare talk to me like that. Filthy halfblood. It's good of your parents to keep you or they would've dumped you when you were born" he says with his voice dripping with anger. My heart ached and I felt hurt I don't know why I shouldn't let his words affect me.

" For God's sake malfoy shut your mouth. No one really even likes you better of you to go away" hermione stands up for me. " No one ask you mudblood. Better keep your filthy mouth close" he spits at her. That was it. You never disrespect my friends.

I raise my hand and slap him right across the face as the Gryffindor table bursts in Oooooo's .

" Ms. Carson and Mr. Malfoy" we turn to see McGonagall at the entrance of the Hall. Great I'm in trouble again. " My office now" she says and I look back at my friend's. They look sorry for me.

Me and malfoy start to follow McGonagall to her office. Get yourself ready for a lecture Alexa. I honestly kind of feel bad I slapped. No he insulted you and hermione he deserves it.

" Is this what this school is about? No have ever taught you manner or how to behave. This school takes it discipline and education very importantly and even if a conflict occurs there are mature ways to handle it. I'm very disappointed in both of you" she says looking over her glasses.

We both look down. " Do you have anything to say for your selves" she pushes. " I'm sorry" I say while malfoy stays silent. She glares at malfoy as he mumbles a sorry too. " I expect better of you both in the future. And you need to resolve your fight now. I'm going to give you detention. Your serving with filch tonight" she says sternly and I sigh.

" Yes ma'am" we both say and start walking back to the great Hall. " This is all your fault Carson" malfoy says while we're in a hallway. I stop in my tracks and face him. " My fault? Your the one who came and started it" I say pointing at him. " Well you could've kept your mouth shut" he says. " No I won't . Honestly keep your pride and opinions to yourself no one needs to hear them from your ugly mouth you ass" I say and roll my eyes.

He then slams me against the wall both of his hands by my head. " What did you say Carson" he says. I feel his hot breath on my lips and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I am at a loss of words and stutter " n-nothing" I say.

He smirks and says "good" and walks away. What are these damn feelings?

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