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"Dismissed" Snape's dull tone disbands the students of the class. Draco grabs his bag and books rather aggressively and storms off to his next lesson, without looking at me once. I wonder what he's mad about. As I get up off the rusty stool and walk towards the exit of the class I see Angelo approaching me. "Hey" he says, catching up. We both chat walking to our separate lessons. We approach the corridor that parts our way to our respective lessons. Students are running about, each, with their own destination to approach.

"I see you when classes end?" he asks. "Sure" I smile and he walks off to the other way. I turn on my toes and start walking down the hall to divination class. I trace my fingers along the old, cemented walls and feel the engraving on them. I sometimes wonder if these walls are alive, if they could talk, what would they say is the most unearthly thing they've heard or what is the saddest goodbye they've seen?

I approach my class and sit down at a table with its purple cloth covering it and a glass ball on top of it. The teacher enters and starts the lesson. If I could see what would become of me and Draco in the future, is it worth it?


I walk in the great hall and sit down at the gryffindor. I start eating my mashed potatoes when angelo slides in the empty spot beside me. "Do you wanna hang out this evening?" he asks. "Sounds cool" I replied. Angelo scoots closer until our thighs are touching. We converse about random things until I see Draco walking in the hall and when his eyes fall on me and how close I and Angelo are sitting, he clenches his fist hard and storms towards me.

"So i think-" he interrupts our conversation and he gruffly grabs my arm and pulls me up from the bench towards the door of the great hall. Angelo looks in confusion but gets up and waves towards saying 'bye'. Students watch with narrow eyes as draco drags me down the large halls. He pushes me in an empty classroom and shuts the door behind us. "Draco what the fu-" he slams me against the wall, with his large, cold hands wrapped around my neck.

I feel the metallic surface of his ring which sits perfectly on his slender fingers. It pierces my skin but not more than his eyes on mine. "What do you think you're doing?" he says through gritted teeth. I am unable to speak so close to his face. He comes to my ear and whispers "you're mine. Only mine. Understand?" his breath makes goosebumps rise on the back of my neck and with my arm I push him off me.

"You're too much of a coward to show it" I say and scarper out the room with him following behind quickly. He catches up with me and pushes me against the wall again. This time we're around students, of all houses and years, present there. He cups my face staring at my lips then to my eyes. He starts leaning in and I whisper, "draco people are watching".

"Let them"

With that he crashes his lips onto mine and I kiss him back harder. I wrap my arms around his neck and he shakes his hands around my waist pulling my body closer to his, deepening our kiss. I feel students stare on us and hear murmurs fill the air but at that moment the world melts away into the wind and it's only me, draco and us in the hallway with our tongues in each other's mouth.


Me and draco sit at the edge of the wooden walkway to the black lake. Our legs dangle over deep, murky water as our distorted reflections stare back at us. "I'm not going home this christmas, i cant see my mum after what my dad said" i say. Draco looks at me with a soothing expression. "I understand. Do you want me to stay too?" he asks. "That would be great" I say, leaning my head on his shoulder. We both listen to the peaceful sound of crickets chirping and water swaying beneath us.

My mind goes back to when me and draco argued in the hallway. When he faintly said he cared about me. Did he mean it? Or did he just say that to make me stay awhile longer? Does he want me to stay awhile longer? Is it ok if i want to as well.

"Draco?" I ask. "Yes?" he says. "Did you tell the truth the other day?" I ask. "What are you talking about?" he asks. "When you said you cared" I looked at him and he looked at me back. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. "Of Course i do my love". My love, this alone makes fireworks explode all around my body and I blush. "Do you?" he asks. I hold his cheek in my hand, caressing it with my thumb, "yes draco".

He smiles and plants a small kiss on my lips. Its a short but sweet kiss. We pull back and enjoy sitting there, being held by each other. "I should have a nickname for you," Draco says. "You can call me lex" I say. "No not that everyone else calls you that. I'm not everyone. You're not anybody to me" he says. "Well then?". He grins. "Al, I'm gonna call you al from now on" he says. "That's... interesting" I replied chuckling.

"I'll call you dracy" I laughed. "No, don't you dare, that's so cringe" he says hiding his face in his hands. "Why dracyyy" i say teasing him and he covers my mouth with my hand to shut me up. I lick his hand and he pulls away saying "eww why'd you have to do that". "You really can't come up with something better than that?" draco questions. I think for a second.

"How about mal? Short for malfoy?" I say. "Well that's better than the last one but not as good. Come up with one like mine, i know you can't match my level of intelligence but try" he smirks. I slap his chest "are you calling me stupid?" I act offended. "Maybe" he laughs and I pout. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "Whatever you call me, just promise me you'll always be mine" he says. "Always" I replied.

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now