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I spot my friends at the Gryffindor table and walk there. I slide on the bench and start eating breakfast while talking to my friends. "Looks like Malfoy moved on from his last girlfriend if i can ever call her that" Ron says looking straight past me. I turn around and see Malfoy all over pansy Parkinson. Honestly i never hated pansy like hate is a strong word and she only ever just agrees with Draco when he insults me or my group.

I need to stop calling him by his first name

But right now pansy is not looking so good in my opinion but maybe it's because i wanna be her right now. Maybe I wanna be the one with Malfoy's arm around me and his lips on my neck rather than Parkinson. I hate all of this but what I hate the most is how much i dont hate him.

I turn my head away from him and start eating breakfast. "Guys I need to talk to you all" Harry says. We all turn to him as to cue we're listening. "We need to form a group like a rebellion. Against voldemort" harry says in a low tone. "That isn't something easy. You need actual people for that Harry and you know how much people fear him and the ministry" hermione says in a low tone as well.

"I know. We can start by asking people we know. You all do believe me right" harry says looking cautiously at all of us. " I do Harry" I say and smile and he does too. Ron and Hermione also agree along with Ginny and neville. "Can i ask luna?" I say and Harry replies with "sure" .

After lunch as we are piling out the great hall, my eyes meet dracos and he looks at me for a second and then looks away. I try to ignore the feeling of a knife stab in my heart and keep walking. I look through the crowd for Luna and I spot her walking along the wall. "Hey Luna, can i talk to you? " I ask politely. "Yes alexa" he says with her signature smile and we walk away from the crowd.

"Do you believe harry?" I ask. "I think there's some truth to his statements. Why?" she looks at me. "Well Harry thinks the ministry interfering is doing more harm than good. So we are trying to start a rebellion to fight" i say. "Fight who exactly? The ministry or voldemort?" luna asks. "I don't know but the main goal is death eaters and yes Voldemort but if the ministry comes in between we ain't gonna surrender" i say. Luna smiles and says "great I'm in" and walks away to somewhere.

Great ive got one person in. i walk to the library to get some books i need for a homework assignment. The library is quiet with few students scattered around the large room. People are studying, talking and some are just liking the environment of silence and solitude. I can't help but start to think about drac- I mean malfoys words to me last night. He moved on so quickly it makes me think he just used me.

I sigh and start making my way to my next class. As I'm walking I pass the great and I see a number of decrees hung up the door but one catches my eye. It says there is some kind of inquisitorial squad now and the members are also listed. I go through the list but one persons name catches my eye

Draco Malfoy

Oh god i already know this isn't good but did Malfoy have to be in there. I suppose this is some kind of group to keep the students in check but I know those rules they are gonna judge the students by aren't exactly fair or lenient. I need to tell this to harry and the others

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