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"that's it for this lesson and remember to go over this potion," he says and dismisses the class. "Carson and Malfoy not you too. You both Stay behind" he says sitting on his desk chair. I sigh as Malfoy and I make our way to his desk. "Close the door when you leave Zabini" he says and Blaise closes the door.

"Now tell me why were you guys fighting this brutally and had to destroy my classroom?" He says. "He was making comments about my family" I blurt out. "Only because she cursed at me" malfoy says now facing me. "Because you started it," I say getting in his face. "No you did" he does the same . We both glare into each others eyes.

Snape slams the desk and we both get startled and stand up right again. "Enough! Whoever started it. This mess is all your fault. And I've decided your punishment. You will clean this classroom until it's spotless. Without.magic" he says.

He ignores our groans and gives us sweepers, brooms, and other supplies to clean. "I will know if you use magic. I have stuff to deal with, when you're done just leave for the next class I'll inform your teacher why you guys are late." He says and starts to walk out but stops and turns around once again.

"And Ms. Carson clean up that wound first. It looks bad, there is a first aid kit in my drawer" with that he leaves and slams the door shut. The room goes silent as the atmosphere becomes awkward.

Malfoy goes and sits down at the desk, completely ignoring the task we have to do. Is he kidding?

"Um excuse me malfoy. We have a job to do. Get your ass up and clean" I say. "Oh please. You think I, a malfoy, not to mention pureblood, will clean. No thanks this job is only for peasants like you" he says. Why does he think so highly of him? That bitch. I sigh and ignore him as I don't want to start another fight. I take the broom and start cleaning.

I start picking up the broken wood and throw it with all the trash in the corner as malfoy just watches me. I ignore his eyes on me and start picking up the things that fell out of the cupboard and put them back in. My arm hits the side of the cupboard and conveniently that was where I had gotten injured. I wince in pain as I get my arm out.

Malfoy notices me in pain but ignores me suffering. I put the things back and suffer while doing it as my arm starts to hurt more and more.

"You should be more careful and do something about that cut" malfoy says looking at the window outside.

I look at him and roll my eyes. "Whatever I know" I say getting up. I get the kit from the drawer and sit on the other side of the room at a desk, putting the things on the table. The bandage and alcohol bottle falls as I can't hold the things properly because of my arm. I bend down and pick up the bottle and I hear a chair moving and see malfoy getting up.

"Ugh here you sit down" he starts picking up the bandage that had rolled onto the floor and I sit down on the stool. He puts the bandage on the table and grabs my arm. "Oww" I say as he put my arm on the table where he can see the wound properly.

He ignores me and takes the cotton and puts the alcohol on it and puts it on my wound to sterilize it. The alcohol stings and I cry out in pain again.

"Stoppp what are you doing?". " Shush it'll be fine in a bit" he says in a soft voice. Am I going dreaming or that sounded like that was not his outer hard shell speaking. He cleans the wound and takes a bandage and starts wrapping it around my arm.

When he touches my skin I feel tingles. Wait, why am I feeling this way. He wraps it up with a knot. "There" he goes back to sitting on the chair he was sitting on. "Uh thanks" I say and get up. I see that there still is another mess to clean.

I grab the sweeper and start sweeping away the concrete and things where I blasted malfoy. I then hear shuffling and the next second I see malfoy who is sweeping beside me. I get a little startled when I see him but we keep cleaning in silence after that.

We finish it up and as we're packing our bags I ask malfoy "why'd you start cleaning?" . He shrugs and leaves the classroom. "Ok then" .

I pack my bag too and head to the next class

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