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I pace around the room nervously along with the other members of the Gryffindor house who were in the army as we are gathered around in the common room. Its silent, no one knows what to say or maybe we're too scared at the moment to say anything. Hermione looks distraught and Ron the same. "We're going to be expelled I know it!" Hermione suddenly blurts out and Ron scoffs.

"We don't know that mione, harry isn't back" I say trying to calm her down. "We wouldn't be here if it weren't for your little boyfriend" Ron says sharply to me. "You're saying that like it's my fault" I snap back. This really isn't a time to play the blame game. "What if it is? How do we know what you've been telling him behind our backs?" he says standing up facing me. I scoff.

"But it was Cho who ratted us out, she was with Malloy didn't you guys see?" Padma interrupts. People nod and it's back to silent. Why would Cho rat us out and what was she doing with Draco?. I sit down and put my head in my hands, trying to avoid all the unpleasant thoughts coming to my head. God waiting right now is so nerve racking. Are we actually going to get expelled?

Suddenly we hear the common room door open and all our heads jerk towards the entrance. Harry walks in lazily. Ron immediately gets up and goes to him, "what happened?" he asks frantically. "Are we going to be expelled" Hermione asks desperately as well. "No but they were going to send Dumbledore to Azkaban" harry says sitting down at the red sofa in front of the fire.

"Were?" Hermione asks. "Yea but Dumbledore's gone like he left and the ministry's mad" harry replies. Dumbledore going to Azkaban because of us, the thought stirs guilt inside me. "Umbridge is the new headmaster now". It's silent again, everyone sits there not knowing what is going to come next.


We all stand at the entrance of the great hall, watching filch put a decree on the wall among the hundred others. The smack of the hammer hitting the nail echoes through the hall shaking our spines even. We all watch as our home, Hogwarts is being altered by the ministry into something it was never meant to be. It starts thundering outside, rain soon to come. We all disperse to our respective destinations. I walk along pillars taking in the scent of fresh rain and musty soil.

Come to think of it I haven't seen Draco since that day, which was 2 days ago. I didn't reach out, I don't even want to, after what he did. How could he? He knew how much all of this meant to me and he knew doing this was wrong yet he did. When they caught us in the room of requirement he looked directly at me, with no ounce of remorse or feeling and it felt a stab to my heart but the wound still hasn't healed and I'm coping by completely disregarding it.

"Alexa" I hear the voice I was trying to get out of my head, but now it's in real life. I keep walking I don't want to have anything to do with him right now. "Alexa" Draco grabs my arm and turns me to face him. I snatch away my arm from his grip and give him the biggest death glare. "Alexa I know you're mad at me right now but listen at least" he says looking me in the eyes. "Oh boy I'm more than mad, but what's the point of it all? Us? We're not destined to be on the same side"

I say turning to walk away from him but he grabs my arm more harshly this time pulling me towards him. We're closer now, our bodies almost touching, oh how much I miss his touch but I can't give in I'm stronger than that at least that's what I've been telling myself. "I'm sorry ok? I promise I didn't really have much to do with it, it was Umbridge giving Veritaserm to students to get information out of them" he says.

I narrow my eyes, so that's how she got Cho to tell them our secret place. Shit now I feel bad for boycotting her now, I should tell this to harry. My focus goes back to Draco standing mere inches in front of me. "Leave it Draco. I'm not one to stop you from your fate" I say looking down. His faces expression change, "what do you mean Al?" he says in a gentle voice. God his voice with his nickname for me, makes my knees weak.

"We shouldn't be together anymore, it's for the best" I say. "wh- what no" he says cupping my face. I pull my face away from not meeting his eyes. He's silent, I'm silent. Did I make the right choice breaking it off with him? I mean it's true our sides are not aligned and they're not supposed to be. I'm not leaving mine and it's certain now he's not leaving his.

I turn and start to walk away from him. He juststands there, not uttering a word but not moving either. I feel tears wellingup in my eyes. I run out in the rain in the direction of the black lake. I standin the rain, the water completely soaking my robes. And I cry, I cry and I cry untilmy tears and the rain water become one. The noise of thunder out shadow my sobsand I sit there in the grass and sob until I can't feel anything anymore.


𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now