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"Class dismissed" Snape's voice echoes through the classroom. Draco smirks and pulls away from the close proximity our faces were in. "come to my dorm tonight, for the essay" He slings his bag on his shoulder and walks to his next. I try to process what just happened but take my bag and walk to my other class too. What is this between us? One minute we are kissing and the other swearing at each other? Did he mean it when he said he cared?


I walk in the gryffindor dormitory. We had just had our first dumbledore's army training session in the room of requirement which neville found, bless his soul. Harry, Hermione and Ron are talking in the common room and I go up to my dorms. I change out of my uniform into shorts and an oversized hoodie with knee high socks and lay down in my bed. Oh wait, I have to go to draco's dorm for the essay.

I groan but internally smile and get up off the bed. I take my parchment, quills and potions book and go downstairs to the door of the common room. "Where are you going?" hermione asks. "I have to do the essay with Malfoy" I replied. "Wait so you're going to the slytherin dorms? Good luck, you'll need it" ron says joking and i laugh. I walk out the common room and the painting shuts behind me.

I walk down the stairs to the dungeons where the slytherin dormitories are. Its very quiet in the halls and the moonlight is peaking through the partly stained tall windows. I reach the door of the dorms but then I remember I don't even know how to get in. I knocked loudly on the metal door 3 times. Then the door opens and I see Zabini. "What are you doing here?" he asks clearly surprised to see a gryffindor at the door of the slytherin dorms at 1 am.

"Oye carson there you are. Thought you weren't going to come" malfoy suddenly comes up behind blaise and pats his shoulder. "We have a stupid essay to work on together and you know i have to keep up with my good grades" he says and blaise nods and goes away to whatever he was doing before. Malfoy eyes me up and down and says "follow me". I follow behind him through the slytherin dorms as students stare but I don't mind.

The slytherin dorm is cold and has a musty smell like a basement but it's almost nostalgic to the point it's relaxing. There's a green fire blazing in the middle of the common room with dark green lavish sofas and tables around. I followed draco up the stairs to a room which had Draco Malfoy engraved on the door. He shuts the door behind us and locks it.

"So you have your own room" I say examining his neat and tidy room which was decorated in green and silver. "Sit" he gestures to a chair that was beside his desk while he sits on the one partly in front of it. I sit down and Draco stares at my bare thighs. "Hey eyes up here" i snap my finger in front of him and he laughs slowly.

He leans forward putting a hand on my thigh and tracing it inward. "You dont mind when i do this? Do you" he says whispering in my ear. I get goosebumps on my neck and tingles down my spine. "Maybe, maybe not. Lets focus on the work shall we" i push him away lightly by my hands on his chest. He smiles and says "whatever you say". He then takes out two rolls of parchment and hands me. Both parchments contain our task but are different as well. Wait did he write both of these? "You wrote them?" i ask, "one foy both of us" he says. "Why?" I ask.

"So I could spend more time with you," he says and caresses my thigh. I instantly straddle him and kiss him passionately and he kisses me back harder. I bite his lip and he bites mine. He starts kissing my jawline and whispers in my ear

"I wanna fuck you till you cant walk"

"Then do it"

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