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As we both are staring at each other we hear footsteps and hear the voice of two teachers. I start to panic because if we are caught we will definitely be in trouble. Malfoy quickly grabs my hand and we run to a near broom closet. He shoves me inside and locks the door.

All that happened so quick it took me a minute to realize the close proximity of our bodies. We were right in front of each other. Our noses almost touching and for a moment I think I felt us both leaning in but then I opened the door of the closet and ran to my dorm.

I change in to my sleeping clothes and quickly jump in bed. My mind wanders off to what just happened as I try to ignore all those thoughts of Malfoy.


I wake up and get blinded practically by the sun coming in through the window. i rub my eyes and see the clock on my bed side table which reads 12 pm. The realization of it being Saturday makes me smile and i get up , change and make my way to the great hall.

I see my friends sitting on the Gryffindor table and i sit down next to harry. " sleep well?" Hermione asks me and i reply with a yeah. " i saw you with a girl last night. you two a thing?" harry questions. " not yet really i just met her" i reply and we all eat while everyone else talks and i jus stay lost in my mind.

" The weirdest thing happened last night" I tell Hermione as we're walking through the hallway that opens up to the side of the castle to the black lake. " what happened?" .

" When i was walking back to the common room Malfoy followed me and he was asking me about my date" i say with a weird expression. " ....very unusual of him don't you think?" i nod in agreement with her.

As we're walking someone shoves us really hard but keeps on walking and i turn around and shout " are you blind or what". He turns around and of course its Malfoy. " watch your mouth bitch" he says in a tone of disgust and walks away. Where is he even going he looked like he was really in a state of focus.

Me and Hermione keep walking to the library as she was gonna explain some chapters to me because honestly i really need it. I'm not really supposed to be hurt by his stupid remarks but they get under my skin for some reason and at this point i can't hide from myself that i like him but why has he been acting so weird lately? he's nice one second and rude the other. It's so confusing honestly.


I sit alone in the common room as i finish my homework. My hands hurt from writing such long boring essays and i really wanna go stargaze in the astronomy tower so i walk out of the common room and start making my way there. I quietly walk up the spiral staircase taking in the eerie silence that surrounds me.

I've always like silence and darkness. There's a type of peace in it that not every sees. Its cold and no one seems to be around. I push open the door to the room and see someone already leaning forward on the rail.

" Malfoy what are you doing here like honestly have you been following me?"

"I got here first you daft dimbo if anyone is doing the following it's you" he snaps back. I just rolls my eyes and stand next to him leaning as well forward. I look up at stars that seem so small but are so big and how there are millions and millions of them up there.

" They are beautiful aren't they" he says in a calm voice not breaking his gaze from the sky.

" They truly are " i sigh. I then turn to look at him and he was smiling a bit. Not a smirk or evil smile a genuine nice one and oh how gorgeous he looks.

" Take a picture it'll last longer" he smirks at me. i jut scoff and turn my eyes back to the sky.

" Draco? " i say in a voice that's barely audible but he still somehow hears it. " yeah?" he replies.

" I wanna kiss you"

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now