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I look at him confused. What does he mean by that? Does he know something?

"What do you mean Draco? " I say. He fiddles with the hem of his sweater and looks down to avoid eye contact with me. "Nothing Alexa I didn't mean anything really I uhm have class" he says and gets up and walks into the castle. I instantly start to overthink what he meant by that but my thinking is cut short by the bell indicating class has started.

I approach the history of Hogwarts class and scan the room and see a seat next to Harry which I slid into. "The ministry is being suspicious. They're trying to deny his return again" Harry says out of nowhere. "You think so? I mean I wouldn't put it past them they're afraid " I say thinking about the letter from my dad again.

Cedric's death last year shook the whole school to say the least. The ministry is trying to suppress the speculations though by completely denying Voldemort's return. Our teacher enters the class and we start focusing on our lecture but my dad's words still stay in my mind.

Don't let her get the best of you


It's dinner time and all the houses are engulfed in talk and food. We suddenly hear the great hall door open and a petite chubby woman dressed in all pink enters smiling like she just killed someone. We all wonder who this is and she walks to the headmasters table and dumbledore stands up and introduces her to everyone.

"Students of Hogwarts, we have a new professor joining us today please give a warm welcome to Dolores Umbridge " he says and she just smiles more aggressively if that's possible. People clap a bit but start whispering too. I hear someone say "She's sent by the minister what she is. She's a bureaucrat "

Then Umbridge gets up from the table of the teachers she sat at and comes to the side of Dumbledore.

"And how lovely it is to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends''. Literally no one is smiling though and they all look at her like what is she on? she clasps her hands together. "That's likely '' Fred and George say and we all can't help but chuckle a little. Classic them. She glares at us but then goes back to her speech. "The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance" she rambles on some more but at this point I've lost any focus i had listening to her.

I sigh and rest my face on my hand while looking into face. I look straight and see the Slytherin table where Draco is also looking down. As on some kind of cue he also looks up and locks eyes with me. He then turns the other way quickly. What is his problem and why is he avoiding me all of a sudden?

Umbridge's lecture finishes finally and we all walk back to our dormitories. I need to talk to Draco. I take a paper and ink and write on it

Can we please talk? Astronomy tower in 20

I give that piece of paper to my owl and she flies away to deliver it to Draco. After 20 minutes everyone is almost asleep and I quietly get out of bed.

"You know you have been sneaking out a lot lately" Hermione's voice nearly gave me a heart attack and I held my chest to show my shock. "Jeez Hermione"

"Where are you going?" she asks. "Nothing just for a walk you know" I casually say. "Hm ok and you never did tell us what that letter was about" why does she have to bring that up again. "Uh it was nothing, just my mom asking if I wanna come home for Christmas" i say.

I don't think she believes my crap fully but she lets it go thankfully. "Ok well don't get caught " i nod and leave the room and dormitory and i start walking towards the astronomy tower

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