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I heard this morning that McGonagall and Umbridge had an argument openly and umbridge said there needs to be stricter enforcement in hogwarts. I wasn't there but Harry and Hermione were. Long story short, Umbridge is the high inquisitor for Hogwarts now and she's going around changing and putting all sorts of new rules. God this isn't going well.

I look through the halls of crowded students as I walk to potions class. Isn't it great I have this class with Malfoy AND he is my partner? Life is sweet. Not. I am absolutely dreading going but I have to. I enter the class and sit next to malfoy at our bench. He doesn't speak but just looks ahead and after few seconds professor snape walks in and the whole class falls quiet.

"Open your books to page 394" I flip open my book and look at what potion we are going to be studying. Amortentia? The love potion? "We are going to be studying and making amortentia today" Snape says with his usually dull voice. He starts explaining the potion but I'm not paying attention and read what it says in the book instead.

Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them

I wonder what I'd smell and then I look at Draco who's also lost in his own thoughts, what would he smell? "Start on your tasks" Snape says and people start collecting their ingredients and preparing the potion. Me and Draco look at eachother. "Ill get the ingredients" he says and goes to get the ingredients. I prepare the cauldron and he comes back.

We start making the potion in silence. "How's your hand?" he asks. "Fine'' I say. "What happened though?" he asks. I stop what I'm doing and there's a pause but then i go back to my work. Draco also stops and looks at me. He grabs my arm and turns me towards him "who hurt you alexa?" he says looking directly in my eyes. His hand on my arm feel like cold metal which makes your skin tingle. I take my arm out of his grip. "It was the detention with umbridge" i say and start on my work again.

He looks shocked for a moment but regains his composure. "Is she even allowed to do that?" he asks. "It doesn't matter if she thinks it is" I say. "You should report it" he replies. "That's exactly what hermione said!" I say. "Don't compare me to Granger" Draco says. I laugh and he also laughs. We then look at each other but to our desks again.

"I saw your in the inquisitorial squad" i say to him.

"Yea i got selected" he replies.

"What do you guys even do?" I ask. "Well right now Umbridge is highly suspicious Harry and Dumbledore are up to something like forming a group ya know so she's got us patrolling the halls" he replies. My eyes widen. "That's dumb" i say. "I know like I know potter is your friend but he isnt in ravenclaw for a reason" he says chuckling. "You must pay a lot of attention to him to know that" I say, eyeing him, smirking. He scoffs and says "whatever". After a while we both are nearly done with the potion as snape goes around checking other students.

We quickly finish ours as he comes to our desk. "Hm it seems about accurate" he says examining our potion. "You both also have to write a 2 foot essay on amortentia in pairs. Do it after school hours and submit it on thursday" he says and I roll my eyes. He then walks off to another table and me and draco are left alone again.

"What do you smell Malfoy?" I ask him, referring to the potion. He puts his face close to the cauldron. "I smell strawberry shampoo, cherry Chapstick and fire ash" he says looking at me. well shit. "What about you?" he asks me. I smell the potion. "I smell green apples, peppermint and.. Cologne" i say hiding the part of your cologne. He smirks and comes closer to me.

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and whispers "strawberry shampoo". He then runs his thumb down my lips and whispers "cherry Chapstick". My heart is going to come out my ribcage at this point. His hand goes further down my chest to my waist. "Fire ash" he whispers. He draws his hand back after he caressed my thigh. He comes closer and says

"i smell you Alexa".

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