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"Sirius" harry says trembling and gets up instantly running inside the castle. "Harry!" we call out after him. "I saw Sirius, Voldemort had him" he replies. "Harry are you sure?" Hermione questions as we run up the moving stairs. "I saw it. It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about for months and I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before" harry rambles on as we all listen, running up the stairs. "Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have last time, and it's in the department of mysteries".

"Harry please just listen" Hermione says and we stop amidst the stairs. We are all out of breath from the running so quickly. "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this?" Hermione adds. That actually makes sense and we all look at harry again. "What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you".

"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die?" harry replies. "Hermione, he's the only family I've got left". We all look at each other as the stairs connect with the platform. "What do we do?" Ron asks. "We can use the floo network" I say. "Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance though" Hermione says. "Not all of them" harry says. " We can use the one in her office" he adds.

We all walk to the Gryffindor dormitories. We all walk to our dorms to change from our uniforms. I open my trunk and take out an oversized hoodie and shorts. Hermione and I quickly change and we both grab our wands and head out to the common room. Ginny and Neville are waiting there as well. We all walk out and luna meets us on the way and insists on joining, harry is hesitant as first because he doesn't want this many people to get in trouble because of his but he says yes.

We reach the umbridge's classroom and walk in, carefully examining around to see if anyone is there. "ok you guys wait here to make sure no one comes in then at our signal, quickly come to the office" harry says and me, ginny, luna and Neville nod. Harry, Hermione and ron quickly go up the stairs to her office and break the lock with a spell and go in the room. Me and ginny are outside of the classroom and luna and Neville are inside. "do you think Sirius will be ok?" I ask ginny. Ginny opens her mouth to reply but before she can we hear a voice that makes our hearts stop.

"Bring them all up to my office. Now"

Suddenly a pair of strong arms grab me harshly and bind my hands behind my back. I see another slytherin boy grab ginny as well. Crabbe grabs luna and goyle grabs Neville and they all force walk us to umbridge's office, with her in front. She opens the door, anger very visible on her face and says "that you are" two other slytherin boys grab Hermione and ron and they all stand behind umbridge's desk as she forces harry on a chair.

I have yet to see who has me held, I try to turn my head and catch a glimpse of blond hair but a wand to my neck sets my head straight ahead. "try not to make more trouble for yourself even though id love to see you on your knees" he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. He will always have this weakening effect on me. "shut up" I whisper-talk as well. He chuckles. Even his laugh is hot as fuck. He grabs my wrists tighter and pulls my body towards his.

"you were going to dumbleodre, weren't you?" umbridge's voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I remember where I am. "no" harry replies. Umbridge smacks harry across the face which startles all of us. "liar" she seethes. "you sent for me, headmistress?" we hear snapes voice and he stand there in the doorway. "snape, yes" she straightens up and looks at him. "the time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the veritaserum?"

"im afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students, the last of it on miss chang" he replies in his dull voice. "unless you wish to poison him. And I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did... I cannot help you"

I roll my eyes, why does he hate harry and gryffindors in general so much. Snape turns around to leave when harry speaks up, "he's got padfoot. He's got padfoot at the place its hidden" snape stops in his tracks and umbridge grows suspicious. "padfoot? What is padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about snape?" umbridge questions instantly. Snape turns to look at harry, pausing for minute than says "no idea" then he leaves.

Umbridge turns away from harry. "very well.... you give me no choice potter" she turns to her desk. "As this is an issue of ministry security... you leave me with... no alternative" she pauses. "the cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue"

Some of us gasp as Hermione protests, "that's illegal". "what Cornelius doesn't know wont hurt him" umbridge puts down the picture frame of Cornelius. "you wouldn't dare" I say anger very visible in my tone. Malfoy holds my wrists tighter, probably leaving bruises by now. Umbridge dismisses our pleas and points her wand at harry opening her mouth. I close my eyes, I cant bear to watch this.

"tell her, harry!" Hermione suddenly shouts. Umbridge looks at Hermione "tell me what?". "well if you wont tell her where it is... I will" Hermione adds. Umbridge glances between harry and Hermione and says "where what is?". "dumbledore's secret weapon" Hermione says then. Umbridge's face is shocked.

"both of you, take me to it" she says to Hermione and harry. "you all, keep them here until I get back" she says to the slytherins holding us. Hermione and harry leave the office along with umbridge and we all are left, silence taking over.

I try to get rid of his grasp but he holds ontighter, damn is malfoy stronger than he looks. "you're not going anywhere" hesays in my ear. I turn to look at him, "draco.. please" I say with pleadingeyes. His face softens abit. "you have a choice, you know what the right thingto do is" I whisper, my voice cracking. He has a bewildered look on his face,like he is deciding. I turn back around and look down. I cant make him choose aside, its his choice afterall, even though I wish I could. 

"somnus" i hear draco whisper and the other slytherins fall to the ground, in deep sleep. We all look at him like he just grew a third head. "Go what are you staring at" he says and they all scamper to the door with me as well. Draco grabs my arm and pulls me towards him, instantly crashing his lips with me. I melt into the kiss and we stand there, mouths entwined. I pull back and smile at him while he caresses my cheek. " I missed you so much" he says. "me too"

"now go" he says. I kiss him one last time and run out the office, after my friends. 


on hold rn bcoz of exams

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