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I walk down the stairs to the common room late at night to get a glass of water, the only noise present in the air is the silence of night draped over by the ashy voices of the crackling fire. There I see sitting in front of the fire on the velvet red sofa a familiar head. I walked over to him and took the vacant seat beside him. He notices my presence but keeps on staring into nowhere. "Harry you ok?'' I say in a gentle voice. He doesn't look at me but mutters a 'fine'.

I hate the awkwardness that surrounds us and the hate is also ever so present. "Harry, please don't hate me" I say. " I don't hate you, I'm just kind of upset from all the people you could choose, you chose Malfoy'' he replies. " i didn't 'choose' him ok you don't control who you like if it was as simple as that wouldn't 50% of the world's broken hearts be mended?" i say.

He looks at me and then looks down. "It's just that, he is not a nice person. His parents are death eaters and they support the man who killed my parents and all this now" he says. "Harry, I know I'm so sorry but Draco isn't all bad. I know he's mean to you but sometimes I think he is just that because he thinks you already hate him so he hates you first" i say looking at the burning wood emitting heat in front of us. "i suppose. It's just that..." he pauses and for a second there's silence between us. Then he says in a very low, almost inaudible voice "sometimes I wish we all were in a universe where I didn't exist".

I look at him with sadness glimmering in my eyes and instantly hug him. "Don't you ever fucking say that again harry". "I know it sounds harsh but i can't help but notice sometimes people only see me as the boy who lived and all im destined for is to be their protector and kill the most powerful wizard, sometimes i just want to be a normal person who blends in the crowd and nobody notices because then nobody would expect anything from me and I'm so tired of all these expectations" he rants.

"Listen to me Harry, to me and Ron and Hermione and all your friends. You're harry. Not harry potter or the boy who lived. You're harry. Our amazing friend and an amazing quidditch player and kind of not great at studies but its ok" i say laughing as i pull back from our hug and i see a faint smile on his face. "harry you're valid ok? You're everything in this universe and more and not because you defeated some old wizard but because you're an amazing human being and you're breathing right now. You have every right to feel worthy and every right to feel upset if you get mistreated. You always have and will have me ok? I can't promise you I can fix your broken pieces but I sure as hell will listen to you and do as much as I can because you matter to me as much as Draco"

He smiles big and hugs me tighter "thank you Alexa that means a lot". "Also you're not alone when it comes to defeating Voldemort. You have an whole army with you remember?" I say. "Yeah that's true" he replies.


Christmas break

I hug Hermione tightly. "Write to me ok? And give Mr.Weasley my regards" I say saying goodbye to harry, Ron and Hermione who were going away for Christmas break. "we will" harry says and they all walk out the great hall with their suitcases rolling behind them. The great is set up with Christmas decorations with candy canes and ornaments. You can even smell the warm cookies and other delights that were set on the tables. Half the students are saying their goodbyes to their friends and other half are immersed in the Christmas spirit.

An arm snakes around my waist pulling me closer to them. "So what do you wanna do these 2 weeks?" Draco asks. "Eat and sleep" I say and take a cookie from the plate on the Gryffindor table and start munching on it. Draco wipes the crumbs off the side of my face "you're cute". I feel my face warm and he smirks. We both walk out the great hall among the crowd of ecstatic students. Christmas songs playing in the background.

"I need to go to the owlery. I mailed my mom, maybe she replied"

I and Draco walk to the owlery while light snow falls from the sky squishing under our feet. I bunch up some snow from the ground in my hands and throw it straight at Draco. "heyyy you ruined my sweater" he says brushing off the snow and I just laugh. He takes a snowball in his hands and throws it at me which hits me direct in the face. I spit out the snow and wipe my face while Draco laughs this time. "You're such a child" I tell him and walk up the stairs to the owlery. "You started it" he says to which I roll my eyes but smile afterwards.

I reach the top and see my owl. It had a letter attached to its claws. I take out the scroll and feed my owl from the bowl beside where it landed. I look at the letter to see who it's from and read the name

Dave Carson


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