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I walk down the hall to breakfast before the first period starts. Strangely when i woke up harry, hermione and ron were not there. I go into the great hall and sit down at the ravenclaw table with luna. Lately me and her have been close friends and she is comforting to be around. She listens to me and I like her response to things. She could care less what people think.

"Goodmorning luna" I say drinking pumpkin juice. "Goodmorning alexa" she replies. "Have you seen harry, hermione and ron? I don't seem to see Ginny, Fred and George either" i ask her. "Oh Harry had a nightmare last night and Mr Weasley was almost killed so they went to visit him" she says eating her pudding. "Wait what?" I ask, shocked. "I suppose they're alright now. Are you excited for Christmas?" she asks. I hope Mr Weasley is alright, he was always like my father figure; I need to write to them though.

"I dont think im going home for Christmas this year luna"

"Oh why is that?"

"Family issues. I have things to think about"

"Well i hope you figure them out"

"Thanks Luna" I smiled at her.

We both finish breakfast and walk out the great hall to our first class. "Luna can i tell you something?" I ask her, hushing my voice a bit in the crowd. "Yes, what is it?". "I like someone. Someone I shouldn't be liking. Not in a million years but i can't help it" i say playing with the edge of my robe's sleeve. "Is it Draco malfoy?" she asks point blank. My eyes go wide. "How-" .

"I see the way you look at him alexa. The way you look at something forbidden but you crave it nonetheless" she says looking at me. I look away in the distance.

"Yes but it's wrong" I say, feeling a tug at my heartstrings. Is this what someone physically crushing your heart feels like? "Wrong or right, it's for you to decide but if they mean so much to you what's holding you back?" she asks, to which i have no answer to. "He doesn't care enough, that's all"


I walk to the library for my break. I can't find luna so I walk alone. I realise after this is potions. Ughhhh. What am I going to do about that potions essay. I will not accept his so I will have to write my own, the thought of writing that much makes me more tired even though i haven't done anything yet. I take out the necessary potion books, sitting down at a desk next to the window. I take out my parchment and quills and write the heading of the essay. I'm already tired. I lie back in the chair and look out the window.

A boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes suddenly pulls the chair in front of me and sits down. "Hey i think we're in the same class. I see you're working on the amortentia essay that Snape assigned us?". I sit up straight in my chair. "Well I've barely done anything" I say. He chuckles and says "i can't help if you want". "That would be great honestly" I say and he takes the book that was beside my parchment.

My eyes fall on the entrance of the library and I see him. He meets me eyes but I look away. He takes his bag and sits on the desk across from ours. Why is he even here?

"Ok so you should start with the introduction of the potion and the origins" he says marking pages in the books which contained that information. He passes me the book back and I put my hand on his for four seconds before smiling a flirty smile and saying "thank you.You're a great help. We should meet up sometime". I know it's wrong. I'm using some boy for purposes of making draco jealous.

I look at draco and his jaw is clenched. Wait is he actually getting jealous? Of Course not, he doesn't care. But he said he did. He doesn't care enough then. I stop this internal conflict and start writing the paragraphs the boy highlighted for me. Wait, I don't even know his name.

"What's your name i forgot to ask?"

"Angelo smith" he says holding out his hand. "And yours?". "Alexa carson" I say, taking his hand. "Pretty name for a pretty girl". My face feels warm and I look down muttering a "thanks''. Although i've never thought about my name. It's a common muggle name and my dad chose it for me. Its a nice i guess and it reminds me of my dad, it would be nice to hear him say it.

I hear a chair being pushed harshly and see malfoy storming out of the library. Angelo also looks at him weirdly. We both then focus on my essay and he helps me with most of it with me only writing what he's dictating. I quickly finish it and check one last time for spelling or any mistakes.

"We should get to class" I say getting up and he follows. We both walk to the dungeons to our potions class. Its always a bit cold in the dungeons and it always has this musty smell like you do in a basement where water leaks but I find that comforting.

We both walk to class and I see Malfoy already there. I prepare myself to sit beside him and put my bag on the desk and take out my essay. I look at Malfoy and he doesn't look the most cheerful. Snape comes to our table to collect our essays. I hand him mine first and draco looks at the essay then at me and his facial expressions drop more. He hands snape his essay as well and we both sit there in silence throughout the lesson, occasionally glancing at each other through the corner of our eyes.

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