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I frantically open the letter as I hear Draco approaching.

Dearest Alexa

Sunday 7:00 pm at café Bryant, Harley Street, London. Come if you please, I'll be waiting.



I stare at the words scribbled on the paper trying to process it all. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up at Draco; i hand him the letter. He takes the letter from my fingers, gently grazing them and reads it. He looks back at me and folds up the letter, handing it back.

"Do you want to go?" he asks. "I don't know. Should i?" I question unsure. "Well its Thursday you have time to make up your mind" he says putting his arm around my shoulders as we start heading back to the castle. My mind riddles with confusion as I really don't know what to do. Was everything my mom told me a lie? Do I even want to know the truth?

Everything seems unclear in the whirlpools of my mind. I'm just thankful Draco is here with me, what would I do without him?

I lie my head against his shoulder and we both walk into the warmth of the old castle. This place feels like home more than any place ever did.



I pick up my bag that I packed for one day. I decided what's the worst that could happened if I met my biological dad? Draco said he'd apparate us there so I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his. He takes out his wand and instantly I feel the whole world spinning and gushing around us. Trying to throw us out somewhere else.

We finally land on a paved surface in an empty alley. I feel the urge to puke after I was basically turned inside out but I don't thankfully. "I think this is it" Draco says carefully looking around the muggle world. "You've never been to the muggle world" I say and he replies "yea well I don't really care for it" he says and I roll my eyes. We both walk out the alley and out onto the busy street filled with muggles.

I look to my right and see café Bryant in big bold letters sitting atop a small café. "You sure you wanna do this?" Draco asks before we walk inside. "I'll answer that later" I joke and we both enter the café. My eyes fall on the clock on the wall which reads 7:02 pm.

I forgot how am I supposed to recognize him? I haven't seen him since I was 3. "Alexa" a low pitched voice says and my eyes follow it to a face. A man stands at a table in the corner of the café. He looks like he's in his mid 40's. "Dave Carson?" I question as me and Draco walk to his table.

He chuckles and says yes. I can't believe it, I haven't seen my own dad in 12 years and frankly I never knew I would. "How'd you recognize me?" I ask sitting down and Draco sits down beside, my dad across from us. "I know my child" he says. He looks at Draco and extends his hand out to shake, Draco looks at me but reluctantly takes my dad's hand. "You are a Malfoy, aren't you?" my dad asks. Draco looks shocked a bit but replies yes "I'm Draco, Lucius Malfoy's son". "How'd you know?" I ask.

"I learnt a lot while I was with your mother" he says and sighs. "What... happened between you two?" I ask after a second of silence. He looks down. "After you-know-who's demise by that harry potter boy, you're mother... changed" he continued. "You see she was a follower of him and I found out when you were 2, she had been hiding it from me because she was ashamed of me" he says looking at me directly.

"I didn't wanna leave you Alexa, but she wouldn't let me have. She said you were like them not like me and you didn't belong with me"

I look down unable to meet his eyes and below the table, Draco squeezes my hand. "I understand if you absolutely hate me-" I cut him off by saying "dads its ok I don't hate you". He looks at me with a soft feel in his eyes. "I just wish you'd have told me or seen me sooner". "Alexa I tried, I tried but your mom absolutely cut me off but now that you-know-who's back, she was too pre occupied so I took the chance"

Draco is quiet and so am I. the only noise around is the chatter of the people inside the coffee shop. "we lived between both worlds, muggle and magic but Mom always did hate when I brought you up" I say finally. He looks like he was expecting to hear that. "Harry potter is actually my friend" I say smiling. "that's nice, what house were you sorted in?" he says with a glimmer of joy in his voice that he's finally being a father to his daughter.

"Gryffindor" I reply. "I forgot what the houses represent honestly" he says. "oh its simple. Gryffindor is for brave, determined and chivalrous. Then there's slytherin for clever, ambitious and resourceful. Hufflepuff for the kind, hardworking and patient. Ravenclaw for knowledge and wisdom" I say propping up my elbows on the table. He nods, listening carefully. "Draco's in slytherin" I nudge him as he's lost in his own thoughts now. He coughs and mutters sorry. My dad and I laugh at this.

"I missed you Alexa" he says taking my hand. I smile "me too". "it actually smells kind of good in here for a muggle café" Draco says out of nowhere. "lets order something. What would you like Alexa?" he asks handing me the menu. I skim through the lists of coffees and beverages and assortments. "A mocha sounds good with a fudge brownie".

"I don't understand this muggle language" Draco says putting down the menu. I internally laugh and pick for him. "get him a mocha as well" I say. "wait this sounds intriguing, a cheesecake slice? How's that" Draco says pointing to an item on the list. "that's nice as well" I reply. My dad nods and gets up to go get our order.

"he's nice" Draco says when my dad is out ofearshot. I smile and reach for his lips. I give him a soft kiss and lie backagainst his shoulder. "I know"


𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now