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I get up off him. "sorry about that. are you ok?" i ask. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK. "yea im fine u?" he says.  just fell from a ladder so peachy" i say sarcastically and we both laugh and then a awkward silence befalls us. i just fucking fell on top of draco fucking malfoy why am i not ok and why did that feel so great.

we both were looking down and i then look up and our eyes meet. the same deep eyes pierce mine. we both stand there for 3 seconds frozen.

"get back to work carson" he says breaking the contact and returning to his usual cold self. i roll my eyes and start cleaning while malfoy ofcourse rests.


i walk back to my dorm as malfoy walks back to his we both parting ways and i cant help but think bout when we were so close. how our lips were inches apart. and it felt like the whole world had stopped.

i seriously hate myself. really out of all the people you could like you like that douchebag? you literally doesnt even acknowledge u or is nice to u. i hate this world. i reach my dorm and head off to sleep while being occupied in the same thoughts.


i wake up the next morning and check the time. its 12 pm i suddenly get worried i slept thru classes then i remember its saturday. i look around the room and its empty everyone must've left. i sigh and turn to my side and look out the window. and he suddenly comes in my mind bothering me again. his stupid smile. his stupid hair. his stupid lips. oh and how much i wanna kiss them.

ok stop it u dummy stop swooning over someone who literally hates

or does he?

shut up ofcourse he does

" aghhh " i groan while covering my face with my pillow trying to block out my thoughts.i finally get out of my bed and go to the bathroom and change. i jus wear straight loose jeans with a blue crop top and some jewelry. i look at myself one last time and head to the main hall for breakfast or actually lunch.

i see my friends already sitting and i slide in with themem. " look who decided to wake up" ginny teases. i mouth her a shut up as i stuff my face with pancakes. "they really need to get a room" ron says in disgust and im confused and say " huh who" . they point to the slytherin table when apparently malfoy is snogging some girl.

" wait isnt that tiffany lane? " hermoine says. shit it really is her. ofcourse malfoy would be making out with the most 'prettiest' girl in school. as i look at them i feel a weird ache in my heart a type of jealousy. i really just cant bear to see malfoy with her. well why wouldnt he be with her. she's so much better. she's everything i want. pretty and popular. even i cant deny she's drop dead gorgeous with her long brown hair and button nose and green eyes and pouty pink lips. every guy basically wants her. Hell even my pansexual ass self swoons over her.

i jus turn back around to my plate. i really am no longer in the mood to eat. i get up and leave the great hall making an excuse of going to the bathroom. i go and basically jus cry, another day another heart break

i hate myself, i have always hated myself

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now