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My legs dangle from the edge of the bridge and I stare down at the murky water. I have been sitting here crying and I think it's been too long. I must have missed the first lesson, I get up and fix myself and walk to my next lesson which is potions.

I walk in and see more than half of the class is there. I see a place next to a Gryffindor who I don't know but I sit there or I would have to sit with a Slytherin. I slide into the seat and the boy looks at me and goes back to his conversation with another person. I see that my friends are on the other side of the classroom and there is no place there so I have to sit here.

I hear giggles coming from behind me and as I look back I instantly regret sitting here.

Malfoy, Parkinson, Goyle, and Crabbe are sitting there and laughing at something. Probably about me.

" And yea what's your problem dickheads " I say.

Malfoy instantly gets angry at this. " Don't you dare talk to me like that Carson" he says angrily, I just show him the middle finger and turn back around.

" No wonder her parents hate her she is such a nuisance" he mumbled and I get furious at this. I get up and take out my wand and point it at him. He does the same.

" You say that again Malfoy and I'll blast you through that wall" I spit out through gritted teeth.    " Looks like we upset the cow ". I shout "stupefy" and blast him into the wall which causes much damage. The class watches with wide eyes as Malfoy gets up and shouts something too, blasting me with a white light as I fly back and hit a cupboard breaking the wood and falling in. Damn, he hit me hard.

I look at my arm and see the wood cut it and blood is pouring out from the wound. But I ignore the pain and get up ready to hex him . " Expelliarmus" my wand is blasted from my hand and we see an angry Snape standing at the door of the classroom. Oops

"Both of you here now!" He shouts. I and Malfoy walk to the entrance of the classroom where Snape was standing. "Exactly what were you guys doing," he says in his monotone voice. We both start blabbering at once and it's obvious no one can hear anything. "Stop it," he says a little louder.

" Meet me after class," he says and walks to the front of the classroom. We start to walk back to our seats but then Snape says " everyone stand up and at the back of the class Now".

Everyone rushes to the back of the class. " Now the teachers have arranged your seating arrangement because we can't have you sitting where ever you want as that causes distraction like any of you even want to study" he mutters the last part but we obviously heard it.

He then starts to call names and it's mostly a Slytherin and Gryffindor so they don't talk some get lucky like Harry and Seamus and Dean and Ginny and some other Slytherins.

" Ms. Granger and Mr. Zabini here.... Then Mr. Goyle and Ms. Parkinson here.... Ms. Bell and Mr. Crabbe..." he arranges and then I realize the only two people left standing were me and Malfoy which meant....

" Ms. Carson and Mr. Malfoy.." he says lookin at us and putting the list down. " I don't wanna sit with that git" I say. " I don't wanna sit with her horrid face too" we argue but Snape shuts us up and we both take the last seats . I sigh and Malfoy just ignores me.

Snape smirks at this because he's Snape and then starts blabbing about something. " Open your books to page 234 and that is a draught of peace" he says writing that on the board. I realize I don't have my bag. I then remember when I crashed In the cupboard I left it there.

" What's wrong Carson don't you have the books or daddy didn't buy any. Oh wait.." he smirks as I ignore him and raise my head. " Yes Ms. Carson?" Snape says. " Um can I get my back from the.. cupboard..?" I say. He nods and I get up as some Slytherins laugh at me and my friends throw me looks of sympathy. I get my bag and go sit back down.

I put my bag on the table and start rummaging through it but I wince as the bag touches my open wound and Malfoy notices. He looks at my cut and asks "what's that?" But his voice wasn't filled with loath or disgust. It was genuine.

" Nothing" I hide my arm and open the book to the page the professor said. Malfoy rolls his eyes and we both focus on the lesson ignoring each other.

𝗔 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 ➸ 𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬Where stories live. Discover now